Chapter 14 - General | 219 |
Chapter 14 - General
Physical RS-232 Configuration: WAN Dialog Box
Physical RS-232 Configuration: WAN Dialog Box
To access this dialog box, select WAN/Physical Configuration from the Device View.
This set of radio buttons determines whether this interface will use the asyn- chronous or synchronous mode of communication.
•If Async is selected, the interface will communicate asynchronously (using start and stop bits) with the device it is connected to. This mode of communication is typically used by modems.
•If Sync is selected, the interface will communicate synchronously (using a separate clock) with the device it is connected to. This mode of commu- nication is typically used by CSU/DSU’s and ISDN Terminal Adapters.
ϖNote: Interfaces set for asynchronous operation do not use parity, and use one stop bit.
ϖNote: Some