Chapter 8 - IntraGuard Firewall Configuration | 139 |
Security Policy Protocol Setting Dialog Box
Security Policy Protocol Setting Dialog Box
To change the individual protocol settings, select a protocol in the Security Policies: Firewall Path Dialog Box and then click the Modify... button. The Security Policy Dialog Box will appear in the Main Window.
ϖNote: Changing the Current Security Policy will override any individually made protocol settings.
•In means that a protocol will be allowed through to the inside interface(s) of a path.
•Out means that a protocol will be allowed through to the outside inter- face(s) of a path.
•None means that a protocol will be allowed neither in nor out.
•Both means that a protocol will be allowed both in and out.
•BGPUse defines how BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) packets will be handled on the path. BGP is the routing protocol between Internet back- bone routers.
•BSDUse defines how BSD packets will be handled on the path. BSD is the UC Berkeley remote execution and terminal session protocol. RSH, RCP, RLogin, and RExec are the protocols supported.
•CompatiViewUse defines how CompatiView packets will be handled on the path. CompatiView is Compatible System’s GUI manager. This option also defines handling for earlier versions of STAMP, Compatible System’s tunnel authentication protocol.