146 | Chapter 8 - IntraGuard Firewall Configuration |
Firewall Settings Dialog Box
Firewall Settings Dialog Box
To access this dialog box, select Global/Firewall Settings from the Device View. The dialog box Firewall Settings appears on the Main Screen.
This dialog box is used to set global timers for the firewall.
SYN Timer
This field sets the number of seconds the firewall will wait without receiving a response to a SYN TCP packet before clearing a TCP session. The SYN flag is included in the header of the first couple of TCP packets and indicate that a session is being established. If the SYN Timer is set too low,
FIN Timer
This field sets the number of seconds the firewall will wait without receiving a response to a FIN TCP packet before clearing a TCP session. TCP specifies that for a session to be fully closed down, both ends of the connection must send out a FIN packet. If the FIN Timer is too high,