rebooting the PC, 47 restricted rights, 60
service and support, 56 service information, 56
setting configuration parameters, 39 setting custom configuration, 24 setting default configuration, 21 setting
single mode of operation, 36 software configuration checks, 52 software installation checks, 49 specifications, 65
SRQ operation, 38 SRQ performance, 66 supplementary information, 66 suspend/resume operation, 49 system requirements, checking, 9
T1 delay, default, 66 telephone number, Agilent, 56 timeout floor values, setting, 40 trademark information, 61 troubleshooting
check device manager, 48 hardware checks, 47
software configuration checks, 52 software installation checks, 49 suspend/resume operation, 49
troubleshooting flowchart, 45 troubleshooting the 82357A, 44
USB cables, checking, 47
USB driver installation, verifying, 51 USB interface, checking, 47
USB scanner, checking, 53
usbscan driver, assigning to 82357A, 55 usbscan.sys, 9
usbscan.sys, checking, 54 using the 82357A, 34
viOpen, 31
VISA Assistant, 29
warranty, 60
Web site, Agilent, 56
Windows plug and play manager, 17
68 | Index |