Drive TAflag[28] Power | The tape drive power consumption is | Power consumption of the tape |
Consumption | outside the specified range. | drive is outside specified range. |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
0000001000000000 |
| |
Drive TAflag[29] Drive | Preventive maintenance of the tape drive is | The drive requires preventative | Check the tape drive user's manual for device | |
Maintenance | required. | maintenance (not cleaning). | specific preventive maintenance tasks. | |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
0000000800000000 |
Drive TAflag[30] Hardware | The tape drive has a hardware fault. | The drive has a hardware fault | • | Eject the tape. |
A |
| that requires reset to recover. |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
| • | Reset the drive. |
| |
0000000400000000 |
| • | Restart the operation. |
| ||
Drive TAflag[31] Hardware B | The tape drive has a hardware fault. | The drive has a hardware fault | • | Power cycle the tape drive. |
| that is not read/write related or |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
| requires a power cycle to | • | Restart the operation. |
| recover. | |||
0000000200000000 |
| |
| |
Drive TAflag[32] Interface | The tape drive has a problem with the | The drive has identified an | • | Check the SCSI interface cables, |
| application client interface. | interface fault. |
| terminator, and all connections. |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
| Restart the operation. |
0000000100000000 |
| • | |
Drive TAflag[33] Eject Media | The operation has failed. | Error recovery action | • | Eject the tape or magazine. |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
| • | Insert the tape or magazine again. |
0000000080000000 |
| • | Restart the operation. |
| |
Drive TAflag[34] Download | The firmware download has failed because | Firmware download failed. | Obtain the correct firmware and try again. | |
Fail | you have tried to use the incorrect firmware |
| for this tape drive. |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
0000000040000000 |
Drive TAflag[35] Drive | Environmental conditions inside the tape | Drive humidity limits exceeded. |
Humidity | drive are outside the specified humidity |
| range. |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
0000000020000000 |
Drive TAflag[36] Drive | Environmental conditions inside the tape | Cooling problem. |
Temperature | drive are outside the specified temperature |
| range. |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
0000000010000000 |
Drive TAflag[37] Drive | The voltage supply to the tape drive is | Drive voltage limits exceeded. |
Voltage | outside the specified range. |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
0000000008000000 |
Drive TAflag[38] Predictive | A hardware failure of the tape drive is | Predictive failure of drive |
Failure | predicted. | hardware. |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
0000000004000000 |
Drive TAflag[39] Diagnostics | The tape drive may have a hardware fault | The drive may have a hardware | • | Run extended diagnostics to verify and |
Required |
| fault that may be identified by |
| diagnose the problem. |
| extended diagnostics (i.e., SEND |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
| DIAGNOSTIC command). | • | Check the tape drive user's manual for |
| |||
0000000002000000 |
| device specific instructions on running |
| extended diagnostic tests. |
Drive TAflag[50] Lost | Media statistics have been lost at some time | Drive or library powered on with | • | Clean drive. |
Statistics | in the past. | tape loaded |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
| • | Retry operation. |
| |
0000000000004000 |
Drive TAflag[51] Tape | The tape directory on the tape cartridge just | Error preventing the tape | The tape directory can be rebuilt by reading | |
Directory Invalid at Unload | unloaded has been corrupted. File search | directory being updated on | all the data. | |
| performance will be degraded. | unload. |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
0000000000002000 |
Drive TAflag[52] Tape | The tape just unloaded could not write its | Write errors while writing the | • | Copy data to another tape cartridge. |
System Area Write Failure | system area successfully. | system area on unload. |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
| • | Discard the old cartridge. |
| |
0000000000001000 |
| |
Drive TAflag[53] Tape | The tape system area could not be read | Read errors while reading the | Copy data to another tape cartridge. | |
System Area Read Failure | successfully at load time. | system area on load |