Unrecoverable Mechanical | in the drive has experienced a mechanical | cartridge mechanical failure in | with a different tape. | |
Cartridge Failure | failure. | the drive where medium cannot |
| be |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
0004000000000000 |
| |
Drive TAflag[15] Memory | The memory in the tape cartridge has failed, | Memory chip failed in cartridge. | Replace cartridge. | |
Chip In Cartridge Failure | which reduces performance. Do not use the |
| cartridge for further write operations. |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
0002000000000000 |
| |
Drive TAflag[16] Forced Eject | The operation has failed because the tape | Manual forced eject while drive | Retry operation using the same media. | |
| cartridge was manually | actively writing or reading. |
TapeAlert Log Entry: | the tape drive was actively writing or |
reading. |
| |
0001000000000000 |
| |
| |
| |
Drive TAflag[17] Read Only | You have loaded a cartridge of a type that is | Media loaded that is | Check write protect tab on cartridge. | |
Format | format. |
| |
| appear as write protected. |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
0000800000000000 |
Drive TAflag[18] Tape | The tape directory on the tape cartridge has | The tape drive powered down | • | Retry operation with same tape. |
Directory Corrupted On Load | been corrupted. File search performance will | with tape loaded, or permanent |
| be degraded. The tape directory can be | error prevented the tape | • | If error persists, discard tape. |
TapeAlert Log Entry: | rebuilt by reading all the data on the | directory from being updated. |
cartridge. |
| |
0000400000000000 |
| |
| |
Drive TAflag[19] Nearing | The tape cartridge is nearing the end of its | Media may have exceeded its | • | Use another tape cartridge for your |
Media Life | calculated Media may have life. | specified number of passes. |
| next backup. |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
| • | Store this tape cartridge in a safe place |
| in case you need to restore data from | |
0000200000000000 |
| |
| it. | |
| |
Drive TAflag[20] Clean Now | The tape drive needs cleaning. | The drive has responded as if it | • | If the operation has stopped, eject the |
| has a head clog or needs |
| tape and clean the drive. |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
| cleaning. |
| If the operation has not stopped, wait |
| • | ||
0000100000000000 |
| ||
| for it to finish and then clean the drive. | |
| |
| Check the tape drive user's manual for |
| device specific cleaning instructions. |
Drive TAflag[21] Clean | The tape drive is due for routine cleaning. | The drive is ready for a periodic | • | Wait for the current operation to finish. |
Periodic |
| cleaning. |
| • | Then use a cleaning cartridge. Check |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
| the tape drive user's manual for device |
0000080000000000 |
| specific cleaning instructions. |
Drive TAflag[22] Expired | The last cleaning cartridge used in the tape | The cleaning tape has expired. | • | Discard the worn out cleaning |
Cleaning Media | drive has worn out. |
| cartridge. |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
| • | Wait for the current operation to finish. |
0000040000000000 |
| • | Then use a new cleaning cartridge. |
Drive TAflag[23] Invalid | The last cleaning cartridge used in the tape | Invalid cleaning tape type used. | • | Do not use this cleaning cartridge in |
Cleaning Tape | drive was an invalid type. |
| this drive. |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
| • | Wait for the current operation to finish. |
0000020000000000 |
| • | Then use a valid cleaning cartridge. |
Drive TAflag[24] Retension | The tape drive has requested a retension | The drive is having severe | • | Perform a retension operation. |
Requested | operation. | trouble reading or writing that |
| will be resolved by a retension | • | Retry operation. |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
| cycle. | ||
| ||
| |
0000010000000000 |
Drive TAflag[25] Dual port | A redundant interface port on the tape drive | Failure of one interface port in a |
Interface Error | has failed. |
| |
| Fibre Channel). |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
0000008000000000 |
Drive TAflag[26] Cooling Fan | A tape drive cooling fan has failed. | Fan failure inside tape drive |
Failure |
| mechanism or tape drive |
| enclosure. |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
0000004000000000 |
| |
Drive TAflag[27] Power | A redundant power supply has failed inside | Redundant PSU failure inside the | Check the enclosure user's manual for | |
Supply Failure | the tape drive enclosure. | tape drive enclosure or rack | instructions on replacing the failed power | |
| subsystem. | supply. | |
TapeAlert Log Entry: |
0000002000000000 |