Dell 124T LTO-3 technical specifications Back to Contents

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6.After the STARTUP.NCF file has been edited, save the file and reboot the server to activate the new STARTUP.NCF.

7.Upon reboot navigate to the System Console and type scan all. This will start a scan of all the LUNS on each adapter.

8.When the scan is complete, verify the LUN device has been detected using the list storage adapters command.

Typical output with both the tape drive and loader being recognized:

0x08 [V321-A3] Adaptec SCSI Card 39160/3960D - Ultra160 SCSI [slot 201]

0x16 [V321-A3-D5:1] DELL PV-124T 0031 0x15 [V321-A3-D5:0] IBM ULTRIUM-TD3 5BG2

0x09 [V321-A4] Adaptec SCSI Card 39160/3960D - Ultra160 SCSI [slot 202]

Netware may display unbound device, meaning a driver is not bound to the loader unless a driver from a backup software is loaded. This does not prevent the backup application from detecting the LUN and binding the appropriate driver.

NOTE: The user must type the command scan all upon OS boot every time. If backup software services automatically start on OS boot, the user must disable them, run the scan all command, and re-enable the services.

NOTE: Netware may display unbound device meaning a driver is not bound to the loader unless a driver from a backup software is loaded. This does not prevent the backup application from detecting the LUN and binding the appropriate driver.

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Image 22 Dell 124T LTO-3 technical specifications Back to Contents
Contents Dell PowerVault 124T LTO-3 Autoloader Users Guide Configuring the Autoloader Setting the Scsi ID Setting EthernetSetting the Subnet Mask Setting the IP AddressSetting an IP Gateway Setting the Snmp Server Setting the TimeSetting the Time Server Scsi Barcode Length Barcode ReaderEnter Setting Passwords Setting MagazinesSetting Security Getting Lost PasswordsBack to Contents Stopping a Diagnostic Test Diagnostic Tests from the Front PanelSetting the Security Front Panel Diagnostic TestsRemote Management Unit Diagnostic Tests Diagnostics Using the Remote Management UnitOnline Services Technical AssistanceAutoTech Service Order-Status Service Technical Support ServiceBefore You Call Accessories Installation OverviewInstallation Preparation Scsi Bus RequirementsBar Code Reader Choosing a LocationUL Requirements Product OverviewIdentifying Product Components AccessoriesUnpacking the Autoloader Back Panel OverviewScsi cable Scsi terminator Power cable Connecting the Scsi and Power CablesEthernet cable Scsi cable Scsi terminator Preparing the Host and Verifying the Connection Installing the Device DriversClick Update Driver Tape Drive Device DriverAutoloader Device Driver Enabling LUN Support in Linux Back to Contents Overview Operators Panel Functionality Enter PasswordsLogout Insert a Single Cartridge Using CartridgesMoving a Single Cartridge Ejecting a Single Cartridge Using Magazines and Magazine BlanksInward Side of a Magazine Outward Side of a Magazine Ejecting a Magazine Installing a MagazineManually Operating the Magazine Viewing Status Information Viewing PowerVault 124T Autoloader StatusRunning an Inventory MagazinesViewing Tape Drive Status Viewing Firmware VersionViewing Element Status Viewing Tape Drive VersionIP address Viewing Ethernet InformationMAC address NetworkOpening the Remote Management Unit Default Username and PasswordRemote Management Unit Overview Viewing Status InformationFeedback on Pages ConfigurationTime Display System Operations OptionsCompression Cleaning TapeBar Code Reader Setting Network Options Setting the MagazinesSetting the System Time From the Configuration menu, click NetworkingTo set User Administration Setting Front Panel Security OptionsTo Set Network Configuration To set the Client Authorization ControlViewing Error or History Logs Error Logs and DiagnosticsFirmware Library Operations Set to Home Autoloader Environmental Specifications Physical SpecificationsAutoloader Performance Specifications Characteristic Product AloneAutoloader Shock Specifications Autoloader Power SpecificationsAutoloader Vibration Specifications Tape Drive SpecificationsProblem Probable Cause Suggested Action Basic TroubleshootingBefore Contacting Customer Support Operator Control Panel Error Display Checking for ErrorsAutoloader Logs through OCP Autoloader Error DetailAutoloader Logs Autoloader Logs through RMUSystem Shutdown/Disruption Error Types Message Error TypesStack/Global Data Corruption Error Types System Miscellaneous Error TypesMiscellaneous Error Types Tape Drive Error TypesDrive/Media Error Types TCP/IP Stack and Task Error TypesCode Update Error Types Loader Task Error TypesScsi Server Task Error Types Servo Elevator Hardware Error Types Picker/Magazine Servo Error TypesServo Picker Hardware Error Types Magazine Hardware Error Types Servo Motor Error TypesSystem Event Types Barcode Error Types Front Panel Error TypesDiagnostic Error Types TapeAlert Interpretation TapeAlert LogsTapeAlert Logs through OCP TapeAlert Logs through RMUPage Page Page To prepare the autoloader for shipment Returning the Autoloader for ServiceTo Remove the Autoloader from a Rack Packing the Autoloader