Polycom RSS 2000 User’s Guide
When selecting user groups to add into the group list, click Add or Add All button to add a single user group or all user groups. Also, multiple user groups can be added by way of Ctrl + user groups and Shift + user groups. Similarly, when deleting user groups from the list, one can also delete single user group, multiple user groups, or all user groups.
After completing the above settings of
Management of Recorded Files
By clicking the Archives button in the function tree on the left of a web page, one can view the status of recorded archives, make VOD request, modify the properties of archives, or delete the archives. See Figure
Figure 4-59 View Archives List
View Archive Properties
All archives that can be seen by current users are displayed in Figure
Archive Name: by default, the name of the archive generated by recording follows the naming convention of "Endpoint H.323 name (conference name) + record time". Archive names can be edited and modified after recording.
Archive Start Time: the system time of RSS 2000 when recording starts shall be used as archive start time.