Polycom RSS 2000 User’s Guide
1.The archive backup stops immediately when a archive recording/playback starts.
2.If such archive recording/playback ends within the backup period, the archive backup will continue. If it ends at or after the backup stop time, the archive backup will not continue. Instead, the backup will reset from the very beginning at the same start time on the following day and overwrite the partially backed up archive, if there is no archive recording/playback in process.
3.Files with backups are distinguished from those without backups by being displayed in pink on the webpage.
You have two choices for the delete policy: never, and after X days. If you choose never cleanup, your archives will be stored on the RSS 2000 hard disk forever. If you choose cleanup in certain days after recording, you may set a number of days after the recording ends, and the file will be deleted in this number of days, as shown in Fig.
Fig. 4-19 Set Cleanup of files
You can input a number of days within the range of
Note: | If you have set a 'never delete' property for the recorded archive, the archive can |
| never be deleted even if you choose cleanup in the Backup/Cleanup policy. |