Polycom RSS 2000 User’s Guide
1.No duplicate endpoint name can be added; and the name and IP address are required items.
2.In recording rights and viewing rights authentication, all the items that you set when adding an endpoint will be authenticated, including IP address, E.164 number and H.323 alias.
3.Maximum 200 endpoints can be added.
After setting relevant property items for the endpoint, click the Save key to save the settings and add the endpoint, or click the Back key to cancel the settings and return to the Endpoint page.
Modify Endpoints Properties
You can modify the properties of an existing endpoint by clicking the property icon for that endpoint, as shown in Fig.
Fig. 4-25 Modify Endpoint Properties
On the Modify Endpoint Properties page, you can modify names, IP addresses, E.164 numbers and H.323 alias of endpoints, and enable or disable speed recording for the endpoints.
IP Address: You can only input numerals
E.164 Number: You can only input numerals, with a length limit of 16 characters.
H.323 Alias: You can type in any characters, with a length limit of 16 characters.
You can enable or disable speed recording, as appropriate.
Note: The endpoint name cannot be modified.