SAT measurement
Address Byte Menu
| Hex Byte | Description |
| 00 | All instruments |
| 10 | Every LNB, Matrix or SMATV |
| 11 | LNB |
| 12 | LNB with |
À | 14 | Matrix (Switcher) |
15 | Matrix (Switcher) with | |
18 | SMATV | |
| 20 | Every polarizer |
| 21 | Maximum turning (full skew) in linear polarisation |
| 22 | Stepwise polarizer adjustment |
| 30 | Every positioner |
| 31 | Polar/Azimuth positioner |
| 32 | Elevation positioner |
| 33 | Combined positioner |
| 34 | LNB Positioner |
| 40 | Set up help |
| 41 | Signal strength setting help |
| 60 | Reserved for assigned addresses |
| 70 | „Intelligent slave interface“ for „Proprietary Multi- |
| Master bus“ |
| 71 | Interface for users and controlled |
| Fx | OEM expansion |