Local time offset (UTC)
Use the buttons to set the time zone variation from UTC (formerly GMT) (e.g. for Germany +1 hour). Use the buttons to switch to the “Automatic clock change” field.
Automatic time setting
Use the buttons to select whether the receiver should automatically change over between summer and winter time. If “On” is selected, the receiver automatically sets itself to the right time. If you select the setting “Off”, you must make the change to and from summer time yourself, using the
“Summertime” field displayed below. Press the buttons to perform the setting.
update time on
After opening this menu, the currently selected time update setting is displayed (see example above “Das Erste” or “all channels”.
There are two ways (selection using the buttons) you can update the time using the receiver.
1.You select a specific channel for the time update. The time is only updated from this channel (in the example above “Das Erste” is selected)
2.“all channels” setting. The time information is always drawn from the channel currently selected.
Changing the setting for a specific channel:
If you want to change the time update from the channel currently set to another channel, you must first select the required channel and then open the “Date and Time” menu. In the “update time on” line select the “actual Channel e. g. (ZDF)” setting.
Press the button to exit the menu again.
See “Common Interface” section
See “First Installation” section, pages 14ff