Use the buttons to select the channel to be locked on the channel list you have selected. Press the button to open the edit menu and use the buttons to select the “Lock” function.
Confirm the command by pressing the button. You are now prompted to enter the PIN code (factory default setting: 0000).
The channel you previously selected is now shown with a padlock to its right. In future this channel can be viewed only by entering the
This function can be restored again using the edit menu (select: “Unlock”).
Use the buttons to select the channel to be copied on the channel list you have selected. Press the button to open the edit menu and use the buttons to select the “To Favorite” function. Use the buttons to select the favourite list to which the channel is to be copied. The channel remains in the satellite channel list. Confirm the command by pressing the button.
The channel you previously selected is now shown with an “F” and a yellow field in the channel list. The “F” shows that it is a favourite channel; the black dot in the yellow field shows in which of the eight favourite lists the channel can be found.
See the item “Editing Favourite Lists” for information on how to delete a channel from a favourite list.
Use the buttons to select the channel from which you want to start selecting further channels. You can only select channels that are listed in succession in the channel list you have selected. Press
the button to open the edit menu and use the buttons to select the “Start Blockselection”
function. Use the buttons to highlight the desired channels, starting from the previously highlighted channel and working upwards or downwards. The highlighted channels will be highlighted in yellow and marked with a tick on the left.
When you have highlighted the channels that you wish to select, press the button to open the edit
menu once again and use the buttons to select the desired function (“Move”, “Delete”, “Skip”, “Lock” or “To Favorite”).
The selected function can now be used in the same way as described for the respective items in this section for a single channel.