Divar Installation Manual Introduction
Associated equipment
A typical system could contain the following components (not included with the unit):
•A primary monitor for multiscreen monitoring (monitor A).
•A second monitor for spot/alarm monitoring (monitor B).
•Cameras with 1 Vpp composite video outputs.
•AC power supply outlet for the unit that allows for secure isolation. (The unit has no on/off switch for security reasons.)
•A keyboard
•PC for Control Center and Configuration Tool applications.
•Pan/tilt/zoom control units.
•Bosch D9000 series control panels.
•SCSI cable for connection to external storage devices.
•External storage devices (DVAD LP Storage Array or DVAS RAID Storage Array).
•Video Manager for system expansion.
•ATM/POS bridge for connecting ATM/POS devices.
•Bosch Security Systems external DVD writer for local archiving for Divars without internal writer.
DVD writer**
The following points should be taken into consideration when using the internal DVD writer:
•The DVD writer might not support all CD and DVD media. For a list of approved CD and DVD media (not supplied by Bosch), please visit www.boschsecuritysystems.com.
•After making an archive with the DVD writer, we advise you to test the CD or DVD media to verify that the archived data can be played back on a PC.
•To update the Archive Player software that is written to a CD/DVD when a local archive is made, insert the supplied CD into the DVD writer. The Divar automatically detects new Archive Player software. Follow the instructions that appear on your monitor screen to load the latest Archive Player software.
•The DVD writer supports the following write speeds:
DVD+R / DVD+RW: | 4x (or higher) |
40x (or higher) | |
24x (or higher) |
Bosch Security Systems