Divar Installation Manual Menu system
•This check verifies that video images and associated data have not been modified.
•Select the period within which the authenticity check runs. The default values are the same as the earliest and latest available recording times.
•Press the escape key to cancel the check.
•During the check all other front panel keys are disabled.
•If the result is Not OK, the date and time of the tampered video is displayed.
•Set the period for which you wish to temporarily stop recording.
•The maximum period is one hour.
•The duration counts down to zero.
•Alarms are not recorded when recording is interrupted.
•Interruption of recordings is always logged in the history list.
•Recording starts automatically when interrupt period has elapsed.
•Storage Setup gives an overview of internal and external storage.
•The total disk space available is shown in Gigabytes.
•Any new disks found are disabled by default.
•Select the storage location you wish to enable or disable. All recorded video is lost if you change a disk configuration. If you choose Yes to continue, all video is erased.
•Select Storage Status for an overview of the status of all internal and external disks.
>>>Storage status
•OK if everything is all right.
•Fail if for some reason the disk is not working properly.
•Fail - reconfigure storage if the disk is not part of the disk set or is empty.
•SCSI mismatch: change ID to X where X is the expected SCSI ID and the SCSI ID needs to be changed.
•Not found if the disk is not connected
•Unused if a valid disk is found which is not used (disabled).
•Delete recorded video by filling in an end date and time, and selecting delete video.
•Protected recordings are not deleted.
•Deletes all recorded video on the disk.
•You must confirm the deletion.
Bosch Security Systems