7.5 Time Index Table
HD1 |
| HD1 |
1 |
| 1 |
| |
2 | 2 |
| |
3 |
| : | 3000 | |
3000 | : |
| : | |
Indexes |
| Indexes | ||
: |
| : | ||
| ||
| : | 2999 |
3000 |
Previously recorded data overwritten
The DVR will generate a Time Index Table indicating recorded data is kept in a particular HDD. This allows individually selected recorded data to be displayed via the alarm list search and full list search. The maximum number of lists, for a given HDD, is 3000. When the list of any given HDD is used up and the disk is not full, the unit will still use the rest of the space for recording. In such a case, an index for the recent recorded data will be generated and the index of the next oldest data will be erased so that the list does remain 3000 in total. And the next oldest data will be kept in the index of the
The point stops recording
Previously recorded data remaining
corresponding oldest data. For any
In the rewrite recording mode, when the archived hard disk drive is full, the DVR will start overwriting the oldest data recorded. As the previous recorded data is being overwritten
by the recent recording, the indicating time index of that data will be changed corresponding to the starting time of the remaining session. The index of the session will be deleted from the table when it is fully overwritten.