58 en | FlexiDome2X |
output color to give a natural color, independent of the lighting used.
The distance between the image plane and the rear portion of the lens. Correct backfocus adjustment ensures that the camera remains in focus under various conditions.
A communications protocol that allows remote control, configuration, and updates to be performed over the video cable (Coax or Passive UTP).
Bilinx address
The address may be set locally using the Bilinx Configuration Tool for Imaging Devices (CTFID).
Back Light Compensation (BLC)
Selectively amplifies parts of the image to compensate for large contrast differences when only a portion of the image is brightly lit (e.g. a person in a sunlit doorway). See also Smart BLC.
Charged Coupled Device (CCD)
A CCD is a type of solid state image sensor used in CCTV cameras. The sensor converts light energy into electrical signals.
CCD Format
Indicates the size of the camera sensor used. In general, the larger the sensor, the more sensitive the camera and the better the image quality. The format is quoted in inches, for example 1/3 or 1/2 inch.
Color Temperature
A measure of the relative color of illumination. Generally used
| Installation Manual | Bosch Security Systems |