Question | Possible cause | Possible solution |
There is no display of | No charge rate informa- | Apply to the phone |
units/costs. | tion supplied. | company to have meter- |
| ing pulses transmitted. |
There is no display of | Cost | Set cost per unit |
call costs. | per unit = 0. | (page 67). |
I can’t hear anything. | The key has been | Press úto resume |
| pressed – the micro- | your conversation. |
| phone has been |
| “muted.” |
The caller’s number is | Call number transmis- | The caller must apply |
not displayed. | sion has been barred. | to his/her provider to |
| enable transmission of |
| the number. |
No numbers can be | The | Check and correct the |
dialled. | has changed. | |
| (page 33). |
| The phone has been | Check the status dis- |
| plays, unlock the phone if | |
| locked. | |
| necessary (page 15). | |
| |
No calls are being | “Permanent” call for- | Deactivate “perma- |
received. | warding has been acti- | nent” call forwarding |
| vated. | (page 55). |
| The MSN has not been | Specify the receive MSN |
| assigned to the internal | (page 27). |
| user. |
| The “internal” | Change the |
| service has been set. | vice (page 79). |
The forwarding condi- | Internal forwarding has | Activate “external” for- |
tions are not displayed | been activated. | warding (page 54). |
for call forwarding. |
| Apply to your provider to |
| |
| enable this. |
The phone also rings | The call number is in the | Delete the relevant call |
when there are fax/PC | base phone’s call num- | number (MSN) from the |
calls. | ber list. | list (page 24). |
No call charges are dis- | Call charge display has | Activate call charge dis- |
played. | not been activated or this | play (page 67). |
| feature has not been en- |
| abled by your provider. | Apply to your provider to |
| |
| enable the “Charge |
| transmission” feature. |
For PABXs: | The access code has not | Check and correct the |
There is no connection or | be entered or has been | access code (page 82). |
a wrong connection after | entered incorrectly. |
dialling a call number. |