Using several handsets
Walk and Talk mode
This function makes communication between handsets (Gigaset 4000 Comfort) possible outside the range of the base. The handsets will not be ac- cessible for incoming calls in walk and talk mode.
You are on holiday with friends, and each has a handset with walk and talk mode activated. This will allow you to communicate with each other free of charge.
Prerequisite for the handsets
Communication will only function between:
●handsets that are registered on the same base, with both handsets having selected, for instance, “Base 1”, see page 19;
or ● handsets that have set “Best Base” as the base selection:
Important: All “other people’s” handsets that are also within range and have had walk and talk mode set with “Best Base” as the base selection will also be called;
or ● handsets that are not registered:
Important: All “other people’s” handsets that are also within range, have had walk and talk mode set and are not registered on a base will also be called.
Info The maximum range between handsets operated in walk and talk mode is 300 metres. The operating time of the handsets will be considerably reduced.
Activating walk and talk mode on the handset
1.Use [] to open the menu.
2.Select using and [OK ]: Add. Features.
3.Select using [OK ]: Walk and Talk Activate walk and talk mode.
The walk and talk mode can be switched off with the display key Off.
Using walk and talk mode
Two handsets are in walk and talk mode:
Calling handset:
Press [Call].
Called handset:
The call is signalled on the display with a message.
[SILENT ] deactivate ringer.
Press !.
The two handsets are connected.
Night service
Night service allows you to set up