Convenient telephoning
Telephone directory/Provider list
The telephone directory will make it easier for you to dial up to 200 num- bers (depending on the size of the entries).
You can use the provider list to store phone companies’ prefix codes (call-
The telephone directory and provider list are operated in exactly the same way.
To store an entry
1.Open the / telephone directory/provider list.
2.Select using and [OK ]: New Entry
3.Enter the call number (up to 32 characters). Entering letters and symbols (see page 44).
4.Use to skip one line down.
5.Skip to the name field and enter the name (in the telephone directory: enter an anniversary date if applicable, see page 48).
6.Use [] to open the menu.
7.Select using and [OK ]: Save Entry.
Info Many private branch exchanges require users to key in a “trunk access code” in front of the call number (a “0” for example) in order to dial out when making outside calls. If this is the case, you will need to dial this prefix as the first digit in front of every call number (see page 81).