| Appendix |
| Question | Possible cause | Possible solution |
| The handset does not | Other ringer melody set- | Change the ringer melo- |
| ring as it was set to. | ting for MSN. | dy setting (page 33). |
| Some of the ISDN func- | Feature not enabled? | Contact your provider for |
| tions do not work as |
| information. |
| indicated. |
| Another phone on the | The same MSN number | Deactivate internal for- |
| So bus does not ring. | was assigned for the | warding or set external |
| phones. Internal for- | call forwarding (page 55). |
| warding has additionally |
| been activated for one of |
| the phones. |
| Caller receives ringing | MSN has been stored in | Where applicable, delete |
| despite MSN being busy. | devices additionally op- | the call number for which |
| erated on the ISDN line. | |
| while a call is in progress |
| from the list of call num- |
| bers of each additional |
| device. |
| Handset does not re- | You are not registered | Register with SMS cent- |
| ceive SMS as text | with both SMS centres | ers (page 71). |