Saitek Expert Travel Chess manual Randomize Play Square C2 On+rand Off-rand

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c. Randomize Play (Square C2) On:+rand Off:-rand

Turn this option on for greater variety of play. Instead of selecting one single best move, the computer will then choose one of the best moves to play by consulting its built-in Randomizer!

d. Book On/Off (Square D2) On:+book Off:-book

If you ever want to completely lock out the computer’s built-in book of openings, set this option to -book. When the book is off, the computer is forced to take time to think of its moves from the beginning of the game, rather than making its moves from memory. For details on openings, see Section 2.7. If you turn the book completely off, the other book options (described below) are also automatically disabled.

e. Full Book (Square E2) On:+bk:FL Off:-bk:FL

Turning on the Full Book option gives the computer the freedom to choose any move from its built-in book of openings, so you’ll see a greater variety of opening lines being played. If this option is selected, the Passive, Active, and Tournament Book options are disabled.

With this option on, you may see the computer make some question- able moves. This is because its built-in book of openings must contain responses to certain lines of play (even questionable lines), in case they are played. While the computer would not make these moves on its own, it needs to know how to respond to them in the best way. Therefore, when you turn on the Full Book, the computer could potentially play one of these moves.

f. Passive Book (Square F2) On:+bk:Pa Off:-bk:Pa

Selecting the Passive Book option forces the computer to give prefer- ence to passive and closed positions when deciding which lines to play. If this option is selected, the Active Book and Tournament Book options are disabled.

g. Active Book (Square G2) On:+bk:at Off:-bk:at

When this option is activated, the computer will give preference to active lines and open positions when deciding which lines to play. If this

option is selected, the Passive Book and Tournament Book options are disabled.

h. Tournament Book (Square H2) On:+bk:tn Off:-bk:tn

When you turn the Tournament Book option on, the computer is forced to always select the best possible line of play in every opening. While this results in the best chess play, it also narrows down the computer’s choice of moves by limiting its available book lines. If this option is selected, the Active Book and Passive Book options are disabled.

5.3 Rotating Display Options (Squares A3-H3)

Normally, the computer’s display shows the time for the player to move. However, the computer can also display other information, as described in Section 4 (Info Mode). The Rotating Display feature works hand-in-hand with Info Mode, since it allows you to choose which of the Info Displays you want to see, and then cycles your choices in one- second increments. You may turn on any or all of the Rotating Display options, as desired.

IMPORTANT: The Rotating Display feature is only activated


Press OPTION three times to select the Rotating Display Op- tions. Then use the BLACK/+ and WHITE/Ð keys to select the options you want to see rotated in the display. The options are described below and summarized in the Option Mode Chart in this section. Press ENTER to turn these options on (+) or off (Ð). Or, simply press the option squares to turn the options on or off.

If you think the display information is changing too quickly when it rotates, press INFO to freeze the display. Successive presses of INFO and the BLACK/+ and WHITE/Ð keys will allow you to cycle through all the displays manually, as described in Section 4. To start the display rotation again, press OPTION followed by CLEAR. In any event, when the computer starts thinking about its next move, the display automati- cally starts rotating again.

The game information you can see while the computer is thinking includes the following:

rd:1 to rd:4 = the predicted line of play (up to four individual moves)



Image 17
Contents Expert Travel Chess Quick Start Keys and Features Letõs GET Started Table of ContentsIntroduction Making the Computerõs Move Ready to Play? HereÕs How to MoveAN Example Now ItÕs the ComputerÕs TurnNeed Help Choosing a LEVEL? Some Tips for YOU More Features to ExploreInterrupting the ComputerÕs Search Check, Mate, and DrawChanging Sides with the Computer Built-In OpeningsPlaying Levels Setting a Playing LevelGame Memory Normal Playing Levels Squares A1-B7USE this Chart to Select Tournament Levels Squares C1-C8 Infinite Level Square B8No time limit 99999 Mate Search Levels Squares F1-F8 Info Mode Watch the Computer ThinkTraining Levels Squares G1-G8 Self-Adaptive Weak Levels Squares H1-H8Principal Variation Info Mode AT a GlanceUsing Info Mode Options for FUN and Variety Silent Mode Square C1 On+SIL Off-SIL Auto Answer Mode Square A1 On+Auto Off-AutoCoach Mode Square D1 On+Coch Off-Coch Sound with Keypress Square B1 On+SNd Off-SNdBasics of Option Mode Hereõs HOW Playing Black from BOTTOM? Hereõs the Position Book On/Off Square D2 On+book Off-book Randomize Play Square C2 On+rand Off-randFull Book Square E2 On+bkFL Off-bkFL Passive Book Square F2 On+bkPa Off-bkPaChanging and Setting Up Positions VERIFYING/SETTING UP PositionsBronstein Clock Options Square A4 Verifying PositionsItõs Easy to Verify Pieces TRY OUT Position ModeTechnical Specifications Care and MaintenanceTechnical Details ACL FunctionFCC Compliance and Advisory Statement Conditions of WarrantyInformation for Customers in the United States Symptoms Possible Causes Action to Take Troubleshooting GuideNEW Game Schnellstart¥ WHITE/Ð und BLACK/+ Tasten Mit diesen Tasten können Figurenaufbewahrungsfach Auf der Unterseite desEinleitung InhaltLOS GEHT«S INFO-MODUS Beobachten UND Lernen Info-Modus anwendenSpielbereit? So ziehen Sie Computerzug AUSF†HREN Hier Sehen SIE EIN BeispielNun ist der Computer am Zug Spiel zu Ende? Auf ein NeuesZu einfach/schwierig? €ndern Sie die Spielstufe Mehr Funktionen EntdeckenWer ist am Zug? PrŸfen Sie das Display Spezielle SchachzŸgeDIE Spielstufen Analysestufe Feld B8 Normale Stufen Felder A1-B7Kein Zeitlimit 99999 Turnierstufen Felder C1-C8Trainingsstufen Felder G1-G8 Mattsuchstufen Felder F1-F8Nutzen SIE Diese †BERSICHT Adaptive Stufen Felder H1-H8 INFO-MODUS Beobachten UND LernenInfo-Modus anwenden HauptvariantenWie wŠre es mit einem Hinweis? Einfach fragen INFO-MODUS AUF Einen BlickOptionen auswŠhlen Optionen F†R Spielspass UND VielfaltAutomatische Antwort Feld A1 An+Auto Aus-Auto Sound bei Zugeingabe Feld B1 An+SNd Aus-SNdDAS Wichtigste DES OPTIONS-MODUS SO Gehtõs Schwarz VON Unten SPIELEN? Achten SIE AUF DIE Grundstellung Zufallsauswahl Feld C2 An+rand Aus-rand Einfacher Modus Feld B2 An+EAsy Aus-EASyBibliothek An/Aus Feld D2 An+book Aus-book VollstŠndige Bibliothek Feld E2 An+bkFL Aus-bkFLBronstein Modus Feld A4 Positionen PR†FEN/AUFBAUENSiehe auch „ ES IST EINFACH, Positionen ZU PR†FEN!Ò Siehe auch ãTESTEN SIE DEN POSITIONS-MODUSÒFiguren. Mit Clear können Sie den Modus Die ACL-Funktion Technische AngabenPflege und Wartung Technische SpezifikationenSymptome …GLICHE Ursachen …SUNGEN PROBLEML…SUNGENMise EN Route Rapide Touches ET Fonctions COMMEN‚ONS En premier, installez les PilesIndex Maintenant cÕest ˆ lÕOrdinateur de Jouer Jouer LE Coup DE Lõordinateur UN ExemplePrt ˆ jouer? Voici comment bouger Trop Facile? Difficile? Changez de niveau Dõautres Caracteristiques a ExplorerCÕest ˆ qui de jouer? VŽrifiez lÕŽcran Coups SpŽciaux dÕEchecsChangement de Camp avec lÕOrdinateur Echec, Mat et NulInterruption de la Recherche de lÕOrdinateur Ouvertures IncorporŽes LES Niveaux DE JEURŽflŽchir pendant le Temps de lÕAdversaire MŽmoire du JeuUtilisez CE Shema Pour Choisir UN Niveau DE JEU Niveau Infini Case B8 Niveaux de Jeu Normal Cases A1-B7Pas de limite de temps 99999 Niveaux Tournoi Cases C1-C8Niveaux dÕEntranement Cases G1-G8 Niveaux Blitz Cases D1-D8Niveaux de Recherche de Mat Cases F1-F8 Niveaux Auto-Adaptables Faibles Cases H1-H8 Mode Info Observer Lõordinateur Pendant Quõil PenseUtilisation du Mode Info Variation Principale Mode Info Dõun Coup DõoeilSŽlection des Options de Jeu Options Pour LE Divertissement ET LA VarieteVoulez-vous un tuyau? Il suffit de demander Mode Silencieux Case C1 Activée+SIL Désactivée -SIL Options du Mode dÕOpŽration Cases A1-H1Jouer les Blanches depuis le Haut Case G1 Jouer LES Noirs a Partir DU BAS? Voici LA PositionPendule Tic Tac Case E1 Activée+tic Désactivée -tic LES Bases DU Mode Option Voici Comment Faire Avec/Sans Bibliothque Case D2 Activée+book Désactivée -book Mode de Jeu AlŽatoire Case C2 Activée+rand Désactivée -randLa Recherche SŽlective Case A2 Activée+SEL Désactivée -SEL Les Options de Pendule Bronstein Case A4 Options dÕAlternance de lÕEcran Cases A3-H3Changement et Mise en Place de Positions Verifier ET Mettre EN Place DES PositionsVŽrifier les Positions Essayez LE Mode Position Details Techniques Entretien et MaintenanceLa fonction ACL SpŽcificitŽs TechniquesEnter Pulse GO/STOP ENCENDER/APAGAR Comienzo RapidoTeclas Y Caracteristicas Niveles DE Juego Fijar un Nivel de Juego IndiceIntroduccion Ápara Empezar Ejecutar LA Jugada DEL Ordenador UN EjemploPrimero, instale las Pilas/adaptador AC/DC Opcional ÀListo para jugar? ÁAqu’ est‡ c-mo moverÀDemasiado f‡cil/dif’cil? Cambie de nivel ÀCambio de opini-n? RetrocesoÀPartida acabada? Por quŽ no jugar otra vez ÀA quiŽn le toca jugar? Compruebe la pantalla MAS Caracteristicas Para ExplorarJugadas de Ajedrez Especiales Jaque, Mate y TablasLOS Niveles DE Juego Nivel Infinito Casilla B8 Niveles de Juego Normal Casillas A1-B7No límite detiempo 99999 Niveles de Torneo Casillas C1-C8Niveles de Bœsqueda de Mate Casillas F1-F8 Niveles de Diversi-n Casillas E1-E8Áutilice ESE Diagrama Para Niveles de Entrenamiento Casillas G1-G8 Modo Info Mire EL Ordenador Mientras PiensaNiveles DŽbiles Auto-Adaptables Casillas H1-H8 Utilizando el Modo InfoInformaci-n sobre Bœsqueda Variaci-n PrincipalInformaci-n sobre el Reloj de Ajedrez Opciones Para Diversion Y VariedadContador de Jugadas/Jugadas por Partida ÀQuiere una pista? ÁNo tiene m‡s que pedirlaModo de Entrenamiento Casilla D1 Sonido con Pulso de Tecla Casilla B1Modo Silencioso Casilla C1 Apagado Autom‡tico Casilla H1 Activada+aPd Desactivada-aPd Àjugar LAS Negras POR ABAJO? Áaqui Esta LA PosicionReloj Tic Tac Casilla E1 Activada+tic Desactivada-tic DE LO Esencial DEL Modo DE Opcion Aqui Tiene ÒEL Comoó Juego Aleatorio Casilla C2 Activada+rand Desactivada-rand Mode Sencillo Casilla B2 Activada+EAsy Desactivada-EASyLibro ON/OFF Casilla D2 Activada+book Desactivada-book Libro Completo Casilla E2 Activada+bkFL Desactivada-bkFLOpciones de Reloj Bronstein Casilla A4 Verificar Y Colocar Posiciones ÁES Facil Comprobar PiezasVerificar Posiciones Cambiar y Colocar PosicionesDetalles Tecnicos Pruebe LOS Modos DE PosicionesLa funci-n ACL Cuidado y MantenimientoEspecificaciones TŽcnicas Sintomas Causas Posibles LO QUE Hacer Guia DE Soluciones DE ProblemasSnelle Start ¥ WHITE/Ð en BLACK/+ Toetsen Indrukken om de niveau’s ¥ Schaakstuk Symbool Toetsen Gebruikt in Verifieer enInleiding InhoudsopgaveLaten WE Beginnen Ten Eerste, Zet BatterijenNu Is de Computer aan Zet EEN ZET VAN DE Computer Uitvoeren EEN VoorbeeldKlaar om te Beginnen? Zo Doet U een Zet Van Gedachten Veranderd? Neem Terug Meer TE Ontdekken KenmerkenWie is aan Zet? Controleer de Display Bijzondere ZettenMet de Computer van Kleur Verwisselen Schaak, Mat en RemiseStopzetten van het Zoeken van de Computer Ingebouwde Openingen DE SpelniveauõsDenken in de Tijd van de Tegenstander PartijgeheugenGebruik Deze Tabel OM EEN Spelniveau TE Kiezen Oneindig Niveau Veld B8 Gewone SpelniveauÕs Velden A1-B7Geen tijdslimiet 99999 Toernooi NiveauÕs Velden C1-C8Pret NiveauÕs Velden E1-E8 Snelschaak NiveauÕs Velden D1-D8Mat Zoeken NiveauÕs Velden F1-F8 Onderricht NiveauÕs Velden G1-G8Zelf-Aanpassende Zwakke NiveauÕs Velden H1-H8 Info Modus ZIE HOE DE Computer DenktGebruik van de Info Modus Voornaamste VariantenSchaakklok Informatie Info Modus in EEN OogwenkZoek Informatie Zettentelling/Partij Zetten Opties Voor Plezier EN AfwisselingWilt U een Tip? Vraag Maar Het kiezen van Partij OptiesX1 = Werking Modus Auto Automatisch-Antwoord Modus Veld A1 Aan+Auto Uit-Auto Coach Mode Square D1 Aan+Coch Uit-CochGeluid bij Toetsindruk Veld B1 Aan+SNd Uit-SNd Stille Modus Veld C1 Aan+SIL Uit-SILAftellende Klok Veld F1 Aan+cdn Uit-cdn Tikkende Klok Veld E1 Aan+tic Uit-ticSpeel Wit van Boven Veld G1 Aan+toP Uit-toP Automatisch Uitzetten Veld H1 Aan+aPd Uit-aPdWillekeurig Spel Veld C2 Aan+rand Uit-rand Makkelijk Modus Veld B2 Aan+EAsy Uit-EASyBoek Aan/Uit Veld D2 Aan+book Uit-book Volledig Boek Veld E2 Aan+bkFL Uit-bkFLOpstellingen Verifi‘ren VERIFIEREN/OPZETTEN VAN StellingenBronstein Klok Opties Veld A4 Bordstellingen Veranderen en Opzetten HET is Makkelijk DE Stukken TE Probeer DE Opstelling ModusDe ACL Functie Technische BijzonderhedenVerzorging en Onderhoud Technische GegevensProbleemoplossingsgids Symptomen Mogelijke Oorzaken WAT U Moet Doen

Expert Travel Chess specifications

The Saitek Expert Travel Chess is a remarkable chess set designed for enthusiasts who value both portability and advanced gameplay features. This compact chess set seamlessly blends functionality with modern technology, making it an ideal companion for chess players on the go.

One of the most notable features of the Saitek Expert Travel Chess is its innovative design. The set is lightweight and slim, allowing it to fit easily into a backpack or carry-on luggage. The travel-friendly size does not compromise on playing experience, as the set includes a well-crafted playing board and precision pieces that are comfortable to handle. The set's magnetic chess pieces ensure they stay in place during play, providing a smooth and uninterrupted game, even in less-than-ideal environments such as moving trains or crowded cafés.

The Saitek Expert Travel Chess incorporates advanced technology that appeals to players of all skill levels. One of its hallmark features is the built-in chess tutor. This interactive coach provides hints and tips, allowing beginners to improve their skills while offering challenging gameplay for the more experienced. Players can select from various difficulty levels, making the game accessible and enjoyable for all.

Additionally, the set is equipped with a comprehensive move database that enables players to explore various opening strategies and endings. This feature not only enhances the learning experience but also allows players to analyze past games, improving their tactical understanding.

In terms of usability, the Saitek Expert Travel Chess is designed for convenience. Its intuitive interface simplifies navigating through game options and settings, ensuring a seamless playing experience. It also has a long-lasting battery life, allowing for extended play without the need for constant recharging.

Overall, the Saitek Expert Travel Chess embodies modern technology and traditional gameplay in a portable format. Its unique combination of lightweight design, interactive coaching, and advanced gameplay features makes it a must-have for anyone who loves chess, whether a casual player or an aspiring grandmaster. With its ease of use and innovative characteristics, the Saitek Expert Travel Chess stands out as a stellar choice in the world of portable chess sets.