Program default is 30 minutes.
Enter Target Heart Rate, Time & Weight.
The Treadmill has a manual mode warm-up until you reach your target heart rate. During the warm-up mode, you control both speed and elevation. This does not count for the program time. The program time begins when you are within three BPM of your target heart rate. The Treadmill will beep three times and begin to control speed and elevation. The speed will be automatically adjusted; first up to 1 MPH greater or less than the current target heart rate speed. After the console automatically adjusts your speed up to 1 MPH more or less than the target heart rate speed, the elevation will take over and adjust your elevation to keep you in your target zone. This will repeat throughout the program.
Program default is 30 minutes.
Enter Target Heart Rate, Time & Weight.
The Treadmill has a manual warm-up for three minutes; you control both speed and elevation. At the end of three minutes, if you have not achieved the target heart rate, the Treadmill will incline to +/– 3 BPM of your target heart rate. The incline will continue to adjust to maintain your target zone.