_ ress the Start Program button or the Speed + button to start the program.
The fitness | test program is designed | to measure | your | When the button is | |||
relative fitness level. | For the best results, | the fitness | pressed, the | Distance/ | |||
test program should be used at a time when your | en- | Laps display | will show | ||||
ergy level is high; the fitness test program | should | not | an "L 1" (level 1), indicat- | ||||
be used if you have already exercised during the day. | ing that the first | ||||||
Note: You | must wear the optional | chest | pulse | sen- | segment of the fitness | ||
sor to use | the fitness | test program | (see | page | 24). | test program | has begun. The incline of the tread- |
Follow the steps below to use the fitness test program. | mill will automatically adjust to 3% and the walking | ||||||
belt will begin to move at 1.5 mph. Hold the | |||||||
| handrails and begin walking. |
I! Put on the chest pulse sensor.
Refer to the instructions included with the chest pulse sensor to put on the chest pulse sensor. Note: The fitness test program will automatically stop if your heart rate is not detected 4 minutes after the program is started.
BInsert the key fully into the console. See GETTING STARTED on page 10.
D Select the fitness test program.
When the key is in-
serted, the manual | Fit. Test Indicator | ||
| ||
mode will be selected | |||
and the Manual indica- | _E_,_N _O000@@OC | ||
'_ | _O00@@@OC | ||
tor will light. To select | __,SS_S" ®OO@@@@OC | |
"ULS,_V", O0@@@@@OC | ||
the fitness test program, | ||
| ||
press the Select |
Program button repeatedly until the Fitness Test in- dicator lights. When you select the fitness test pro- gram, the program display will show a simplified profile of the program.
B Enter your age.
When the fitness test program is selected, an age setting will flash in the Incline display and the letters "AGE" will appear in the Time dis-
play. You must enter your age to use the fitness test program. If you have already entered your age, go to step 5. If you have not entered your age, press the Enter Age buttons to enter your age. Four seconds after the buttons are pressed, the age setting will disappear from the display. Your age will then be saved in memory.
The fitness test program consists of seven 4- minute segments and is followed by a
grammed for each seg-
ment. The speed setting | Current Segment | |
| ||
for the first segment will | u_, 00()0000@000( | |
','_00()0@@@@@00( | ||
be shown in the flashing | ||
"_'_ 00()0000@@00( | ||
Current Segment column | _s_ 00()@@@@@@00( | |
R_VE00()@@@@@@@0( | ||
of the program display. |
| |
(The incline settings are |
not shown in the program display.) The speed set- tings for the remaining seven segments will be shown in the seven columns to the right.
When the first
column to the left and the Distance/Laps display will show an '%3." The incline will remain the
same, but the speed will then increase to 3.3%. At the beginning of each
When the fitness test |
| |
program | is completed, | I- |
the letter | "C" will appear |
| |
L |
| ||
in the Distance/Laps dis- | I _ DISTANCE | q | |
play, indicating that the | LAPS |
| |
ment has begun. The incline will then adjust to 1% and the speed will decrease to 1.2 mph.