11.View Extra User Settings: It is recommended that you change the following settings (HRmax, VO2max) only if you know your
12.Maximum heart rate value (HRmax): Press the /
buttons to set your maximum heart rate. Press OK.
HRmax is the highest number of heartbeats per minute (bpm) during maximum physical exertion. The most accurate way of determining your individual HRmax is to perform a maximal exercise stress test in a laboratory. HRmax is a useful tool for determining the intensity of exercise. HRmax is used in the estimation of energy expenditure.
13.Heart rate value in a sitting position (HRsit): Press the /
buttons to set your heart rate value in a sitting position. Press OK.
HRsit should be your typical heart rate when you are not doing any physical activity (while sitting). HRsit is used in the estimation of energy expenditure. To easily determine your HRsit, sit down and put on your wrist unit and transmitter. Start the measurement to show your heart rate value on the display. Look at your wrist unit after 2 to 3 minutes. This is your HRsit. To more precisely calculate your HRsit, wear your Polar heart rate monitor for one normal day. Occasionally when you sit and do not engage in any physical activity for