CAUTION: Keep in mind that the Smart Rate® zones are approximations. Always check with your physician to learn what the appropriate heart rate is for your level of fitness. Do not push yourself beyond the recommended range.
Understanding Smart Rate®
The M9.25i software incorporates the latest in cardiac monitoring to provide Smart
Smart Rate simplifies the correlation between heart rate and exercise. You don’t have to stop concentrating on your workout to find your pulse anymore. It is displayed right in front of you along with the Smart Rate zone.
When you use the Cardiovascular Course or Weight Loss Program, the M9.25i software monitors and maintains your heart rate in the target zone best suited for your specific needs.
Smart Rate uses your age and your maximum aerobic heart rate to calculate a zone (weight loss or cardiovascular) and places the blinking cell that symbolizes your heart rate in the correct area. Use Smart Rate during your workout with any M9.25i program to maximize your weight loss or cardiovascular fitness regimen.
When you maintain your heart rate between 70% and 85% of your maximum aerobic heart rate, you are improving your overall cardiovascular/cardiorespiratory fitness level. If you maintain your heart rate between 55% and 70% of your maximum aerobic heart rate, you are burning enough calories that, when continued on a regular basis for 30 minutes or more, provides the greatest fat- burning (weight loss) benefits.
Utilizing the Cardiovascular Course and Fitness Test
The Precor Cardiovascular Course and the Fitness Test have been designed from research conducted at the
You can use the Cardiovascular Course to maximize your aerobic workout. Once you start the program, the M9.25i software automatically adjusts the incline (or prompts you to adjust the speed, if necessary) to keep your heart rate within the cardiovascular heart rate zone.
Note: You can override the incline any time during your workout, but doing so may change the target zone that your heart rate is in.
You can take the Fitness Test to determine your cardiovascular fitness level. The Fitness Test measures the maximum amount of oxygen the body can use for energy production during exercise. The higher the amount of oxygen that the body can use, the greater your ability to exercise for prolonged periods without tiring.
The Fitness Test determines heart rate response to varying levels of exercise. It’s a simple procedure that reveals valuable information about your current fitness level. Your results classify you in one of three fitness categories (see Tables 1 and 2 in Taking the Fitness Test), which are based on the Cooper Institute’s
Before using the Cardiovascular Course or performing the Fitness Test, take time to read the following guidelines.
•Consult with your physician before engaging in any vigorous exercise. Do not use the Cardiovascular Course or perform the Fitness Test until authorized by your physician.
•Slow down and stop the test immediately if you experience any pain or abnormal symptoms.
•The ideal time to perform the Fitness Test is in the morning, prior to any physical exertion, and in a
•Gently stretch you lower body and back before and after the test to help prevent stiffness or soreness.
•Know your heart rate (pulse) and your
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