GE RPT 301 user manual Set Communications Options

Page 29

RPT 301 User Manual


O - Set Communications Options

This command sets the communication port parameters to match those of the control computer.

Note: When changing these settings care must be taken to avoid losing communication with the instrument. If this should happen the default communications settings can be restored (those operational at the time of shipment) by moving Link 1 to the ‘A’ (Restore) position and switching the power off and back on. The link should then be moved back to the ‘B’ (Normal) position. If the link is left in the ‘A’ (Restore) position it is not possible to permanently change the communications settings; this may be considered useful in some applications. Default on shipment is set to the command O, 000,00,0,0,0,0,0 which means: 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 2 stop bits, no parity, no handshake.

Command: O, PIN, address, baud, data bits, stop bits,

parity, handshake

Where: PIN is a three-character password = 000 - 999

address always = 00

baud rate value = 0 - 7: 0 = 9600, 1 = 4800, 2 = 2400, 3 = 1200,



4 = 600, 5 = 300, 6 = 150, 7 = 75

data bits:

0 for 8 data bits1 for 7 data bits

stop bits:

0 for 2 stop bits

1 for 1 stop bit


0 = no parity 1 = even parity 2 = odd parity


0 = no handshake




= software handshake (XON/XOFF)



= hardware handshake (RTS/CTS)

Reply: None

Note: When RS485 hardware has been selected the serial link is configured as full duplex with no hardware handshaking. Handshake = 2 is not valid for RS485 hardware.

K177 Issue No. 3

Image 29 GE RPT 301 user manual Set Communications Options
Contents RPT General Electric Company. All rights reserved RPT Digital Output Pressure Transducer K177 K177 Issue No Safety Abbreviations and Symbols Iii K177 Issue No Dimensions SpecificationDescription AccuracyPressure measurement Power supplyData Communications Pressure connectionAccessories Pressure Connection Mounting the Instrument FigureInstrument Dimensions Communication connections Electrical ConnectionConnections for remote on/off control Changing the communication interface standard Figure CommunicationsLK1 LK2 PL3PL1 Screening RPTSystem Operation Command SummaryCR Crlf Command Terminators Command Function MeasurementSet-up User calibrationCommand Strings General Command FormatSingle commands Page General Reply Format Error MessageData out of range Return stored reading Detailed Command Definitions Measurement CommandsGet reading Auto send readingAuto Send from switch-on Unit Set-up Set-up CommandsFilter Set-up Command F, step, averageSet Resolution Set Communications Options Identity Command I,S/PIN, Name ValueCR formatStatus User Calibration Linearity/Drift Compensation  Calibration CheckPIN PIN, New PIN Change PINDiagnostic Mode LED IndicatorDiagnostic Mode GeneralCleaning Approved Service Agents