Oregon Scientific WMR80A SET UP Rain Gauge, SET UP Base Station, To set up the Rain Gauge

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7.Secure the sensor in the desired location using the wall mount bracket.

NOTE Use alkaline batteries for longer usage and consumer grade lithium batteries in temperatures below freezing.


The rain gauge collects rain and takes readings of rainfall rate and the total rainfall over a period of time. The sensor can remotely transmit data to the base station.

The base station and rain gauge should be positioned within an effective range: about 100 meters (328 feet) in an open area.

The rain gauge should be mounted horizontally about 1 meter (3 feet) from the ground in an open area away from trees or other obstructions to allow rain to fall naturally for an accurate reading.

To set up the Rain Gauge:

1.Remove screws and slide the cover off in an upwards motion.

2.Insert the batteries (2 x UM-3 / AA), matching the polarities (+ / -). Press RESET after each battery change.

3. Remove the fibre tape.

To ensure a level plane:

Put a few drops of water on the cross at the base of the funnel to check the horizontal level.


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Water will pool to the center of the cross when the rain gauge is level.

If water remains on 1-4, the gauge is not horizontal.

If necessary, adjust the level using the screw.

NOTE For best results, ensure the base is horizontal to allow maximum drainage of any collected rain.


NOTE Install batteries in the remote sensor before the base station matching the polarities (+ and -).

1.Detach table stand by pulling away from base station.

2.Slide open the battery door.

3.Insert the batteries, matching the polarities (+ / -).

4.Press RESET after each battery change.

5.Close the battery door.

6.Replace table stand by inserting back into base station.

NOTE Do not use rechargeable batteries. It is recommended that you use alkaline batteries with this product for longer performance.

NOTE Batteries should not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine or fire.



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Contents Wireless Full Weather Station Kit Model WMR80 / WMR80A Temperature & Humidity Sensor ContentsPackaging Contents Base Station Wind SensorOverview Front View Accessories SensorsRain Gauge Back ViewReset button Temperature AreaClock / Calendar / Moon Phase Area Wind Speed / Wind Direction / Wind Chill AreaOutdoor Temperature / Humidity Sensor Getting Started SET UP Remote Wind SensorSET UP Remote Temperature / Humidity Sensor To set up the Rain Gauge SET UP Rain GaugeSET UP Base Station To ensure a level planeClock / Calendar Moon PhaseClock Reception Auto Scanning FunctionWeather Forecast Temperature and HumidityTemperature and Humidity Trend Wind Chill / Direction / SpeedBarometer UVI / Barometer / RainfallUV Index Icon Level DescriptionIndoor Temperature ResetSpecifications Base Station Outdoor Temperature / Humidity UnitFCC Statement PrecautionsAbout Oregon Scientific EU Declaration of Conformity Declaration of ConformityDeclare that the product Product No WMR80 / WMR80A Product NameContenidos DEL Embalaje Unidad Base ContenidosIntroducción Sensor DE VientoAccesorios Sensores Sensor DE Temperatura Y HumedadMedidor DE Lluva Resumen Vista FrontalPantalla LCD Sensor DE Temperatura Y Humedad Exterior Sensor DE Viento 1Medidor DE Lluvia Para Empezar Instalación DEL Sensor DE VientoPara configurar el sensor remoto Configuración DEL Sensor Remoto DE Temperatura Y HumedadMontaje DEL Medidor DE Lluvia Para ajustar la función de medición de lluviaÁrea Significado Montaje DE LA Unidad PrincipalRecepción DEL Reloj Icono SignificadoFunción DE Búsqueda Automática Reloj / CalendarioFase DE LA Luna Previsión MeteorológicaUV / Barómetro / Precipitación Tendencia DE Temperatura Y HumedadSensación DE Viento / Dirección / Velocidad DEL Viento Subiendo Estable BajandoÍndice DE UV BarómetroPrecipitación Iluminación DE LA PantallaHumedad Relativa Interior Barómetro InteriorTemperatura Interior Unidad DE Sensor DE Viento RemotoSobre Oregon Scientific EU Declaración DE Conformidad Países Bajo LA Directiva RtteTodos los países de la UE, Suiza CH y Noruega N Lieferumfang Basisstation InhaltEinleitung WindmesserÜbersicht Vorderansicht RegenmesserZubehör Sendeeinheiten RückansichtLCD-ANZEIGE Erste Schritte DEN Externen Windmesser Einrichten Windmesser 1Aussentemperatur Luftfeuchtigkeitssensor Unterteil und TrichterSo richten Sie die Funksendeeinheit ein DEN Externen Temperatur Luftfeuchtigkeitssensor EinrichtenDEN Regenmesser Einrichten So richten Sie den Regenmesser einSymbol Bedeutung ZeitsignalempfangReset Basisstation EinrichtenAutomatische Abfrage AUTO-SCAN Funktion MondphaseUHR / Kalender WettervorhersageWindkühle / Windrichtung Windgeschwindigkeit Symbol Höhe BeschreibungTEMPERATUR- UND Luftfeuchtigkeitstrend So wählen Sie die Maßeinheit für die Temperatur ausRegenfall UV-INDEX Gefahrenstufe SymbolUVI / Barometer / Regenfall HintergrundbeleuchtungInnentemperatur Technische Daten BasisstationINNEN-BAROMETER Relative Luftfeuchtigkeit InnenVorsichtsmassnahmen Über Oregon ScientificTable DES Matières Contenu DE L’EMBALLAGE Station DE BaseANEMOMETRE/ Girouette Pluviometre FR Sonde DE Temperature & D’HUMIDITEAccessoires Capteurs VUE D’ENSEMBLE Face AvantZone Indice UV / Baromètre / Précipitation Affichage LCDZone de Température Zone Horloge / Calendrier / Cycle lunaireANÉMOMÈTRE-GIROUETTE Sonde DE Temperature & D’HUMIDITE ExterieureDémarrage Installation DE L’ANÉMOMÈTRE PluviomètreInstallation du pluviomètre Installation DU Thermo HygromètreInstallation de la sonde sans fil Pour s’assurer d’un niveau horizontal’icône des piles Apparaîtra dans les zones Suivantes Installation DE LA Station DE BaseRéception DE L’HORLOGE Zone SignificationFonction Auto Balayage Horloge / CalendrierCycle Lunaire Prévisions MétéorolgiquesDirection / Vitesse ET Refroidissement Eolien Température ET HumiditéVariation D’HUMIDITÉ ET Changement DE Température Augmentation Stable DiminutionBarometre Précipitation / Barométre / Indice UVIndice UV PrecipitationsRétro Éclairage SpecificationsAppareil Exterieur DE Temperature ’HUMIDITE ReinitialisationPays Concernes RTT&E Propos D’OREGON ScientificEurope Déclaration DE Conformité Tous les pays Européens, la Suisse CH et la Norvège NContenuto Della Confezione Unità Principale IndiceIntroduzione AnemometroPluviometro Accessori E SensoriTermoigrometro Panoramica Vista AnterioreArea indice UV / barometro / precipitazioni Display LCDArea temperatura Area orologio / calendario / fase lunareSensore Termoigrometro Operazioni Preliminari Installazione DELL’ANEMOMETRO RemotoAnemometro Remoto Base e imbutoInstallazione del pluviometro Installazione DEL Sensore Termoigrometro RemotoInstallazione DEL Pluviometro Impostazione del sensore remotoPiedini di appoggio, come mostrato nella illustrazione Installazione DELL’ UNITA’ PrincipaleRicezione DELL’ORA Area SignificatoPrevisioni Meteorologiche Orologio E CalendarioFasi Lunari Temperatura E UmiditàAumento Stabile Diminuzione Tendenza DI Temperatura E UmiditàIndice DI Raffreddamento / Direzione / Velocità DEL Vento Icona Intensità DescrizionePrecipitazioni Indice UV / Barometro / PrecipitazioniBarometro UVI Barometro PrecipitazioniSpecifiche Tecniche Unità Principale Funzione ResetRetroilluminazione Temperatura InternaPrecauzioni Norvegia NWindsensor InhoudInhoud VAN DE Verpakking Basisstation Automatisch zoeken Auto-Scan FunctieRegenmeter Accessoires SensorenTEMPERATUUR- EN Vochtigheidssensor Overzicht VoorkantLCD-SCHERM Buitensensor Temperatuur / Vochtigheid Starten Instellen WindsensorOm de buitensensor in te stellen Instellen BUITENTEMPERATUUR- / VochtigheidssensorDE Regenmeter Opstellen Om de Regenmeter in te stellenKlok / Kalender Basisstation OpstellenKlokontvangst VAK BetekenisWeersverwachting MaanstandAutomatisch Zoeken AUTO-SCAN Functie Temperatuur EN VochtigheidUVI / Barometer / Neerslag HITTE-INDEX- EN VochtigheidstrendGevoelstemperatuur / Windrichting Snelheid Stijgend Stabiel DalendSchermverlichting UV-INDEXNeerslag Specificaties BasisstationRadiogestuurde / Atoomklok BinnentemperatuurRelatieve Vochtigheid Binnen Draadloze WindsensorOver Oregon Scientific EU Conformiteits Verklaring Landen die zijn onderworpen aan RTT&EConteúdo DA Embalagem Estação Base ConteúdoIntrodução Sensor DE VentoVisão Geral Vista Frontal Medidor DE ChuvaAcessórios Sensores Vista TraseiraÁrea do Relógio / Calendário / Fase da Lua Área da temperaturaÁrea do IUV / Barômetro / Precipitação Área da Umidade / Ponto de OrvalhoAjuste do Sensor Remoto DE Umidade / Temperatura Sensor DE Temperatura / Umidade do Ambiente ExternoIntrodução Ajuste do Sensor Remoto DE Vento Para inserir as pilhasAjuste do Medidor DE Chuva Montagem DA Estação BaseFases DA LUA Recepção do RelógioRelógio / Calendário Função DE Auto BuscaTendência DE Temperatura E Umidade Previsão do TempoTemperatura E Umidade Sensação Térmica / Direção VelocidadeBarômetro IUV / Barômetro / PrecipitaçãoÍndice UV IUV Barômetro PrecipitaçãoLUZ DE Fundo Pancada DE ChuvaUmidade Relativa do AR Interna Especificações Estação BaseSobre a Oregon Scientific Medidor DE Chuva RemotoPrecauções Declaração DE Conformidade DA UEVindgivare IntroduktionFörpackningens Innehåll Huvudenhet Temperatur & LuftfuktighetssensorProduktöversikt VY Framsida RegnmätareTillbehör Sensorer VY BaksidaUVI / Barometer / Regnområde TemperaturområdeVindhastighet / Vindriktning / Kyla i vindenområde Luftfuktighet / DaggpunktsområdeStäll in DEN Trådlösa Temperatur / Luftfuktighetsgivaren Utomhustemperatur LuftfuktighetssensorATT Komma Igång Inställning AV DEN Fjärrstyrda Vindgivaren Att sätta i batteriernaAtt ställa in regnmätaren Ansluta RegnmätarenATT Ställa in Huvudenheten Att säkerställa en horisontal monteringMånfas KlockmottagningKlocka / Datum Område FörklaringTemperatur OCH Luftfuktighet AutoscanningfunktionVäderprognos Ikon BeskrivningIkon Nivå Beskrivning Wind Chill Kyla I Vinden / Riktning HastighetUVI / Barometer / Regn UVI Barometer RegnBakgrundsbelysning Reset ÅterställningNederbörd Specifikationer HuvudenhetTemp. enhet Utomhustemperatur FörsiktighetsåtgärderOM Oregon Scientific EU-FÖRSÄKRAN OM Överensstämmelse Och Norge NOregon Scientific. 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