Oregon Scientific WMR80 Clock Reception, Clock / Calendar, Moon Phase, Auto Scanning Function

Page 7



The battery icon indicator

may appear in the





following areas:




















Weather Forecast Area

Battery in the base station



is low.













The displayed channel



Temperature or

indicates the outdoor



Humidity Area

sensor for which battery




is low.









Wind Speed / Wind

Battery in the wind



Direction / Wind Chil



sensor is low.














UVI / Barometer /

Battery in the UV / Rain



Rainfall Area

sensor is low.







This product is designed to synchronize its calendar clock automatically once it is brought within range of a radio signal:


EU: DCF-77 signal: within 1500 km (932 miles) of

Frankfurt, Germany.

UK: MSF-60 signal: within 1500 km (932 miles) of Anthorn, England.


WWVB-60 signal: within 3200km (2000 miles) of Fort

Collins Colorado.

WMR80 only - slide the EU / UK switch to the appropriate setting based on your location. Press RESET whenever you change the selected setting.

The reception icon will blink when it is searching for a signal. If the radio signal is weak it can take up to 24 hours to get a valid signal reception.

indicates the status of the clock reception signal.


Time is synchronized. Receiving signal is strong

Time is not synchronized. Receiving signal is weak

To enable (and force a signal search) / disable the clock radio reception (clock synchronization):

1. Press SELECT to navigate to the Clock / Calendar / Moon Phase Area. will show next to the Area.

2. Press and hold SEARCH.

appears when it is enabled.

NOTE For best reception, the base station should be placed on a flat, non-metallic surface near a window in an upper floor of your home. The antenna should be placed away from electrical appliances and not be moved around when searching for a signal.


To manually set the clock:

(You only need to set the clock and calendar if you have disabled the clock radio reception).

1.Press SELECT to navigate to the Clock Area. will show next to the Area.

2.Press and hold MODE to change the clock setting. The setting will blink.

3.Press + / - to increase / decrease the setting value.

4.Press MODE to confirm.

5.Repeat steps 3 to 4 to set the time zone offset hour (+ / -23 hours), 12 / 24 hour format, hour, minute, year, date / month format, month, date and weekday language.

NOTE If you enter +1 in the time zone setting, this will give you your regional time plus 1 hour.

If you are in the US (WMR80A only) set the clock to:

0 for Pacific time

+1 for Mountain time

+2 for Central time

+3 for Eastern time.

NOTE The weekday is available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish or Russian.

To change the clock display:

1.Press SELECT to navigate to the Clock Area. will show next to the Area.

2.Press MODE to toggle between:

Clock with Seconds

Clock with Weekday



The Calendar must be set for this feature to work (see Clock / Calendar section).


New Moon


Full Moon


















First quarter


























To activate the outdoor temperature and humidity auto-scan function:

1.Press SELECT to navigate to the Temperature or Humidity Area. will show next to the Area.


Image 7
Contents Wireless Full Weather Station Kit Model WMR80 / WMR80A Wind Sensor ContentsPackaging Contents Base Station Temperature & Humidity SensorBack View Accessories SensorsRain Gauge Overview Front ViewWind Speed / Wind Direction / Wind Chill Area Temperature AreaClock / Calendar / Moon Phase Area Reset buttonGetting Started SET UP Remote Wind Sensor Outdoor Temperature / Humidity SensorSET UP Remote Temperature / Humidity Sensor To ensure a level plane SET UP Rain GaugeSET UP Base Station To set up the Rain GaugeAuto Scanning Function Moon PhaseClock Reception Clock / CalendarWind Chill / Direction / Speed Temperature and HumidityTemperature and Humidity Trend Weather ForecastIcon Level Description UVI / Barometer / RainfallUV Index BarometerOutdoor Temperature / Humidity Unit ResetSpecifications Base Station Indoor TemperatureDeclaration of Conformity PrecautionsAbout Oregon Scientific EU Declaration of Conformity FCC StatementProduct No WMR80 / WMR80A Product Name Declare that the productSensor DE Viento ContenidosIntroducción Contenidos DEL Embalaje Unidad BaseResumen Vista Frontal Sensor DE Temperatura Y HumedadMedidor DE Lluva Accesorios SensoresPantalla LCD Para Empezar Instalación DEL Sensor DE Viento Sensor DE Viento 1Medidor DE Lluvia Sensor DE Temperatura Y Humedad ExteriorPara ajustar la función de medición de lluvia Configuración DEL Sensor Remoto DE Temperatura Y HumedadMontaje DEL Medidor DE Lluvia Para configurar el sensor remotoIcono Significado Montaje DE LA Unidad PrincipalRecepción DEL Reloj Área SignificadoPrevisión Meteorológica Reloj / CalendarioFase DE LA Luna Función DE Búsqueda AutomáticaSubiendo Estable Bajando Tendencia DE Temperatura Y HumedadSensación DE Viento / Dirección / Velocidad DEL Viento UV / Barómetro / PrecipitaciónIluminación DE LA Pantalla BarómetroPrecipitación Índice DE UVUnidad DE Sensor DE Viento Remoto Barómetro InteriorTemperatura Interior Humedad Relativa InteriorPaíses Bajo LA Directiva Rtte Sobre Oregon Scientific EU Declaración DE ConformidadTodos los países de la UE, Suiza CH y Noruega N Windmesser InhaltEinleitung Lieferumfang BasisstationRückansicht RegenmesserZubehör Sendeeinheiten Übersicht VorderansichtLCD-ANZEIGE Unterteil und Trichter Windmesser 1Aussentemperatur Luftfeuchtigkeitssensor Erste Schritte DEN Externen Windmesser EinrichtenSo richten Sie den Regenmesser ein DEN Externen Temperatur Luftfeuchtigkeitssensor EinrichtenDEN Regenmesser Einrichten So richten Sie die Funksendeeinheit einBasisstation Einrichten ZeitsignalempfangReset Symbol BedeutungWettervorhersage MondphaseUHR / Kalender Automatische Abfrage AUTO-SCAN FunktionSo wählen Sie die Maßeinheit für die Temperatur aus Symbol Höhe BeschreibungTEMPERATUR- UND Luftfeuchtigkeitstrend Windkühle / Windrichtung WindgeschwindigkeitHintergrundbeleuchtung UV-INDEX Gefahrenstufe SymbolUVI / Barometer / Regenfall RegenfallRelative Luftfeuchtigkeit Innen Technische Daten BasisstationINNEN-BAROMETER InnentemperaturÜber Oregon Scientific VorsichtsmassnahmenContenu DE L’EMBALLAGE Station DE Base Table DES MatièresANEMOMETRE/ Girouette VUE D’ENSEMBLE Face Avant FR Sonde DE Temperature & D’HUMIDITEAccessoires Capteurs PluviometreZone Horloge / Calendrier / Cycle lunaire Affichage LCDZone de Température Zone Indice UV / Baromètre / PrécipitationPluviomètre Sonde DE Temperature & D’HUMIDITE ExterieureDémarrage Installation DE L’ANÉMOMÈTRE ANÉMOMÈTRE-GIROUETTEPour s’assurer d’un niveau horizontal Installation DU Thermo HygromètreInstallation de la sonde sans fil Installation du pluviomètreZone Signification Installation DE LA Station DE BaseRéception DE L’HORLOGE ’icône des piles Apparaîtra dans les zones SuivantesPrévisions Météorolgiques Horloge / CalendrierCycle Lunaire Fonction Auto BalayageAugmentation Stable Diminution Température ET HumiditéVariation D’HUMIDITÉ ET Changement DE Température Direction / Vitesse ET Refroidissement EolienPrecipitations Précipitation / Barométre / Indice UVIndice UV BarometreReinitialisation SpecificationsAppareil Exterieur DE Temperature ’HUMIDITE Rétro ÉclairageTous les pays Européens, la Suisse CH et la Norvège N Propos D’OREGON ScientificEurope Déclaration DE Conformité Pays Concernes RTT&EAnemometro IndiceIntroduzione Contenuto Della Confezione Unità PrincipalePanoramica Vista Anteriore Accessori E SensoriTermoigrometro PluviometroArea orologio / calendario / fase lunare Display LCDArea temperatura Area indice UV / barometro / precipitazioniBase e imbuto Operazioni Preliminari Installazione DELL’ANEMOMETRO RemotoAnemometro Remoto Sensore TermoigrometroImpostazione del sensore remoto Installazione DEL Sensore Termoigrometro RemotoInstallazione DEL Pluviometro Installazione del pluviometroArea Significato Installazione DELL’ UNITA’ PrincipaleRicezione DELL’ORA Piedini di appoggio, come mostrato nella illustrazioneTemperatura E Umidità Orologio E CalendarioFasi Lunari Previsioni MeteorologicheIcona Intensità Descrizione Tendenza DI Temperatura E UmiditàIndice DI Raffreddamento / Direzione / Velocità DEL Vento Aumento Stabile DiminuzioneUVI Barometro Precipitazioni Indice UV / Barometro / PrecipitazioniBarometro PrecipitazioniTemperatura Interna Funzione ResetRetroilluminazione Specifiche Tecniche Unità PrincipaleNorvegia N PrecauzioniAutomatisch zoeken Auto-Scan Functie InhoudInhoud VAN DE Verpakking Basisstation WindsensorOverzicht Voorkant Accessoires SensorenTEMPERATUUR- EN Vochtigheidssensor RegenmeterLCD-SCHERM Starten Instellen Windsensor Buitensensor Temperatuur / VochtigheidOm de Regenmeter in te stellen Instellen BUITENTEMPERATUUR- / VochtigheidssensorDE Regenmeter Opstellen Om de buitensensor in te stellenVAK Betekenis Basisstation OpstellenKlokontvangst Klok / KalenderTemperatuur EN Vochtigheid MaanstandAutomatisch Zoeken AUTO-SCAN Functie WeersverwachtingStijgend Stabiel Dalend HITTE-INDEX- EN VochtigheidstrendGevoelstemperatuur / Windrichting Snelheid UVI / Barometer / NeerslagSpecificaties Basisstation UV-INDEXNeerslag SchermverlichtingDraadloze Windsensor BinnentemperatuurRelatieve Vochtigheid Binnen Radiogestuurde / AtoomklokLanden die zijn onderworpen aan RTT&E Over Oregon Scientific EU Conformiteits VerklaringSensor DE Vento ConteúdoIntrodução Conteúdo DA Embalagem Estação BaseVista Traseira Medidor DE ChuvaAcessórios Sensores Visão Geral Vista FrontalÁrea da Umidade / Ponto de Orvalho Área da temperaturaÁrea do IUV / Barômetro / Precipitação Área do Relógio / Calendário / Fase da LuaPara inserir as pilhas Sensor DE Temperatura / Umidade do Ambiente ExternoIntrodução Ajuste do Sensor Remoto DE Vento Ajuste do Sensor Remoto DE Umidade / TemperaturaMontagem DA Estação Base Ajuste do Medidor DE ChuvaFunção DE Auto Busca Recepção do RelógioRelógio / Calendário Fases DA LUASensação Térmica / Direção Velocidade Previsão do TempoTemperatura E Umidade Tendência DE Temperatura E UmidadeIUV Barômetro Precipitação IUV / Barômetro / PrecipitaçãoÍndice UV BarômetroEspecificações Estação Base Pancada DE ChuvaUmidade Relativa do AR Interna LUZ DE FundoDeclaração DE Conformidade DA UE Medidor DE Chuva RemotoPrecauções Sobre a Oregon ScientificTemperatur & Luftfuktighetssensor IntroduktionFörpackningens Innehåll Huvudenhet VindgivareVY Baksida RegnmätareTillbehör Sensorer Produktöversikt VY FramsidaLuftfuktighet / Daggpunktsområde TemperaturområdeVindhastighet / Vindriktning / Kyla i vindenområde UVI / Barometer / RegnområdeAtt sätta i batterierna Utomhustemperatur LuftfuktighetssensorATT Komma Igång Inställning AV DEN Fjärrstyrda Vindgivaren Ställ in DEN Trådlösa Temperatur / LuftfuktighetsgivarenAtt säkerställa en horisontal montering Ansluta RegnmätarenATT Ställa in Huvudenheten Att ställa in regnmätarenOmråde Förklaring KlockmottagningKlocka / Datum MånfasIkon Beskrivning AutoscanningfunktionVäderprognos Temperatur OCH LuftfuktighetUVI Barometer Regn Wind Chill Kyla I Vinden / Riktning HastighetUVI / Barometer / Regn Ikon Nivå BeskrivningSpecifikationer Huvudenhet Reset ÅterställningNederbörd BakgrundsbelysningOch Norge N FörsiktighetsåtgärderOM Oregon Scientific EU-FÖRSÄKRAN OM Överensstämmelse Temp. enhet UtomhustemperaturOregon Scientific. All rights reserved