Oregon Scientific WMR80A UVI / Barometer / Rainfall, UV Index, Icon Level Description

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The wind level is shown by a series of icons:



<2 mph (<4km/h)




2-8 mph (3~13 km/h)




9-25 mph (~14-41 km/h)




26-54 mph (~42-87 km/h)




>55 mph (>88 km/h)



To view the maximum wind speed and minimum wind chill readings:

1.Press SELECT to navigate to the Wind Speed / Wind Direction / Wind Chill Area. will show next to the Area.

2.Press MIN / MAX to toggle between current / MAX wind speed and current / MIN wind chill displays.

The timestamp is displayed accordingly in the Clock Area.

To clear minimum wind chill reading / maximum wind speed reading:

1.Press SELECT to navigate to the Wind Speed / Wind Direction / Wind Chill Area. will show next to the Area.

2.Press MIN / MAX repeatedly until minimum wind chill reading or maximum wind speed reading is displayed.

3.Press and hold MIN / MAX to clear the readings.

NOTE The wind chill factor is based on the combined effects of temperature and wind speed. Displayed wind chill is calculated solely from Channel 1 sensors.


The weather station works with one UV sensor and one rain gauge. The station is capable of storing and displaying the hourly history data for the last 10 hours of UV index, and 24 hours of rainfall and barometric pressure readings.










The bar chart display shows the current and historical data for the UV index, barometric pressure and rainfall readings.

NOTE The number shown in the horizontal axis (Hr) indicates how long ago each measurement was taken (e.g. 2 hours ago, 3 hours ago, etc.).

To view the UV / Barometer / Rainfall readings:

1.Press SELECT to navigate to the UV / Barometer / Rainfall Area. will show next to the Area.

2.Press MODE to toggle between UVI / Barometer / Rainfall readings. The corresponding icon will appear:










To select the measurement unit for the barometer or rainfall readings:

In the UV / Barometer / Rainfall Area, press UNIT (at the bottom of the base station) to switch between:

Barometer: Millimeters of mercury (mmHg), inches of mercury (inHg), millibars per hectopascal (mb).

Rainfall: Millimeters (mm), inches (in), inches per hour (in / hr) or millimeters per hour (mm / hr).


The UV index levels are as follows:























Very high





11 and above

Extremely high





To view the maximum UV reading:

1.Press SELECT to navigate to the UVI / Barometer / Rainfall Area. will show next to the Area.

2.Press MODE repeatedly to select UV display.

3.Press MIN / MAX to toggle between current / MAX UV index display.

The timestamp is displayed accordingly in the Clock Area.

To clear maximum UV reading:

1.Press SELECT to navigate to the UVI / Barometer / Rainfall Area. will show next to the Area.

2.Press MODE repeatedly to select UV display.

3.Press and hold MIN / MAX to clear the readings.


To set the altitude level compensation for the Barometer readings:

1.Press SELECT to navigate to the UVI / Barometer / Rainfall Area. will show next to the Area.

2.Press MODE repeatedly to select Barometric display.

3.Press and hold MODE to enter the altitude setting.

4.Press + / - to increase / decrease the setting value.

5.Press MODE to confirm the setting.


Image 9
Contents Wireless Full Weather Station Kit Model WMR80 / WMR80A Packaging Contents Base Station ContentsTemperature & Humidity Sensor Wind SensorRain Gauge Accessories SensorsOverview Front View Back ViewClock / Calendar / Moon Phase Area Temperature AreaReset button Wind Speed / Wind Direction / Wind Chill AreaOutdoor Temperature / Humidity Sensor Getting Started SET UP Remote Wind SensorSET UP Remote Temperature / Humidity Sensor SET UP Base Station SET UP Rain GaugeTo set up the Rain Gauge To ensure a level planeClock Reception Moon PhaseClock / Calendar Auto Scanning FunctionTemperature and Humidity Trend Temperature and HumidityWeather Forecast Wind Chill / Direction / SpeedUV Index UVI / Barometer / RainfallBarometer Icon Level DescriptionSpecifications Base Station ResetIndoor Temperature Outdoor Temperature / Humidity UnitAbout Oregon Scientific EU Declaration of Conformity PrecautionsFCC Statement Declaration of ConformityProduct No WMR80 / WMR80A Product Name Declare that the productIntroducción ContenidosContenidos DEL Embalaje Unidad Base Sensor DE VientoMedidor DE Lluva Sensor DE Temperatura Y HumedadAccesorios Sensores Resumen Vista FrontalPantalla LCD Medidor DE Lluvia Sensor DE Viento 1Sensor DE Temperatura Y Humedad Exterior Para Empezar Instalación DEL Sensor DE VientoMontaje DEL Medidor DE Lluvia Configuración DEL Sensor Remoto DE Temperatura Y HumedadPara configurar el sensor remoto Para ajustar la función de medición de lluviaRecepción DEL Reloj Montaje DE LA Unidad PrincipalÁrea Significado Icono SignificadoFase DE LA Luna Reloj / CalendarioFunción DE Búsqueda Automática Previsión MeteorológicaSensación DE Viento / Dirección / Velocidad DEL Viento Tendencia DE Temperatura Y HumedadUV / Barómetro / Precipitación Subiendo Estable BajandoPrecipitación BarómetroÍndice DE UV Iluminación DE LA PantallaTemperatura Interior Barómetro InteriorHumedad Relativa Interior Unidad DE Sensor DE Viento RemotoSobre Oregon Scientific EU Declaración DE Conformidad Países Bajo LA Directiva RtteTodos los países de la UE, Suiza CH y Noruega N Einleitung InhaltLieferumfang Basisstation WindmesserZubehör Sendeeinheiten RegenmesserÜbersicht Vorderansicht RückansichtLCD-ANZEIGE Aussentemperatur Luftfeuchtigkeitssensor Windmesser 1Erste Schritte DEN Externen Windmesser Einrichten Unterteil und TrichterDEN Regenmesser Einrichten DEN Externen Temperatur Luftfeuchtigkeitssensor EinrichtenSo richten Sie die Funksendeeinheit ein So richten Sie den Regenmesser einReset ZeitsignalempfangSymbol Bedeutung Basisstation EinrichtenUHR / Kalender MondphaseAutomatische Abfrage AUTO-SCAN Funktion WettervorhersageTEMPERATUR- UND Luftfeuchtigkeitstrend Symbol Höhe BeschreibungWindkühle / Windrichtung Windgeschwindigkeit So wählen Sie die Maßeinheit für die Temperatur ausUVI / Barometer / Regenfall UV-INDEX Gefahrenstufe SymbolRegenfall HintergrundbeleuchtungINNEN-BAROMETER Technische Daten BasisstationInnentemperatur Relative Luftfeuchtigkeit InnenÜber Oregon Scientific VorsichtsmassnahmenTable DES Matières Contenu DE L’EMBALLAGE Station DE BaseANEMOMETRE/ Girouette Accessoires Capteurs FR Sonde DE Temperature & D’HUMIDITEPluviometre VUE D’ENSEMBLE Face AvantZone de Température Affichage LCDZone Indice UV / Baromètre / Précipitation Zone Horloge / Calendrier / Cycle lunaireDémarrage Installation DE L’ANÉMOMÈTRE Sonde DE Temperature & D’HUMIDITE ExterieureANÉMOMÈTRE-GIROUETTE PluviomètreInstallation de la sonde sans fil Installation DU Thermo HygromètreInstallation du pluviomètre Pour s’assurer d’un niveau horizontalRéception DE L’HORLOGE Installation DE LA Station DE Base’icône des piles Apparaîtra dans les zones Suivantes Zone SignificationCycle Lunaire Horloge / CalendrierFonction Auto Balayage Prévisions MétéorolgiquesVariation D’HUMIDITÉ ET Changement DE Température Température ET HumiditéDirection / Vitesse ET Refroidissement Eolien Augmentation Stable DiminutionIndice UV Précipitation / Barométre / Indice UVBarometre PrecipitationsAppareil Exterieur DE Temperature ’HUMIDITE SpecificationsRétro Éclairage ReinitialisationEurope Déclaration DE Conformité Propos D’OREGON ScientificPays Concernes RTT&E Tous les pays Européens, la Suisse CH et la Norvège NIntroduzione IndiceContenuto Della Confezione Unità Principale AnemometroTermoigrometro Accessori E SensoriPluviometro Panoramica Vista AnterioreArea temperatura Display LCDArea indice UV / barometro / precipitazioni Area orologio / calendario / fase lunareAnemometro Remoto Operazioni Preliminari Installazione DELL’ANEMOMETRO RemotoSensore Termoigrometro Base e imbutoInstallazione DEL Pluviometro Installazione DEL Sensore Termoigrometro RemotoInstallazione del pluviometro Impostazione del sensore remotoRicezione DELL’ORA Installazione DELL’ UNITA’ PrincipalePiedini di appoggio, come mostrato nella illustrazione Area SignificatoFasi Lunari Orologio E CalendarioPrevisioni Meteorologiche Temperatura E UmiditàIndice DI Raffreddamento / Direzione / Velocità DEL Vento Tendenza DI Temperatura E UmiditàAumento Stabile Diminuzione Icona Intensità DescrizioneBarometro Indice UV / Barometro / PrecipitazioniPrecipitazioni UVI Barometro PrecipitazioniRetroilluminazione Funzione ResetSpecifiche Tecniche Unità Principale Temperatura InternaNorvegia N PrecauzioniInhoud VAN DE Verpakking Basisstation InhoudWindsensor Automatisch zoeken Auto-Scan FunctieTEMPERATUUR- EN Vochtigheidssensor Accessoires SensorenRegenmeter Overzicht VoorkantLCD-SCHERM Starten Instellen Windsensor Buitensensor Temperatuur / VochtigheidDE Regenmeter Opstellen Instellen BUITENTEMPERATUUR- / VochtigheidssensorOm de buitensensor in te stellen Om de Regenmeter in te stellenKlokontvangst Basisstation OpstellenKlok / Kalender VAK BetekenisAutomatisch Zoeken AUTO-SCAN Functie MaanstandWeersverwachting Temperatuur EN VochtigheidGevoelstemperatuur / Windrichting Snelheid HITTE-INDEX- EN VochtigheidstrendUVI / Barometer / Neerslag Stijgend Stabiel DalendNeerslag UV-INDEXSchermverlichting Specificaties BasisstationRelatieve Vochtigheid Binnen BinnentemperatuurRadiogestuurde / Atoomklok Draadloze WindsensorLanden die zijn onderworpen aan RTT&E Over Oregon Scientific EU Conformiteits VerklaringIntrodução ConteúdoConteúdo DA Embalagem Estação Base Sensor DE VentoAcessórios Sensores Medidor DE ChuvaVisão Geral Vista Frontal Vista TraseiraÁrea do IUV / Barômetro / Precipitação Área da temperaturaÁrea do Relógio / Calendário / Fase da Lua Área da Umidade / Ponto de OrvalhoIntrodução Ajuste do Sensor Remoto DE Vento Sensor DE Temperatura / Umidade do Ambiente ExternoAjuste do Sensor Remoto DE Umidade / Temperatura Para inserir as pilhasMontagem DA Estação Base Ajuste do Medidor DE ChuvaRelógio / Calendário Recepção do RelógioFases DA LUA Função DE Auto BuscaTemperatura E Umidade Previsão do TempoTendência DE Temperatura E Umidade Sensação Térmica / Direção VelocidadeÍndice UV IUV / Barômetro / PrecipitaçãoBarômetro IUV Barômetro PrecipitaçãoUmidade Relativa do AR Interna Pancada DE ChuvaLUZ DE Fundo Especificações Estação BasePrecauções Medidor DE Chuva RemotoSobre a Oregon Scientific Declaração DE Conformidade DA UEFörpackningens Innehåll Huvudenhet IntroduktionVindgivare Temperatur & LuftfuktighetssensorTillbehör Sensorer RegnmätareProduktöversikt VY Framsida VY BaksidaVindhastighet / Vindriktning / Kyla i vindenområde TemperaturområdeUVI / Barometer / Regnområde Luftfuktighet / DaggpunktsområdeATT Komma Igång Inställning AV DEN Fjärrstyrda Vindgivaren Utomhustemperatur LuftfuktighetssensorStäll in DEN Trådlösa Temperatur / Luftfuktighetsgivaren Att sätta i batteriernaATT Ställa in Huvudenheten Ansluta RegnmätarenAtt ställa in regnmätaren Att säkerställa en horisontal monteringKlocka / Datum KlockmottagningMånfas Område FörklaringVäderprognos AutoscanningfunktionTemperatur OCH Luftfuktighet Ikon BeskrivningUVI / Barometer / Regn Wind Chill Kyla I Vinden / Riktning HastighetIkon Nivå Beskrivning UVI Barometer RegnNederbörd Reset ÅterställningBakgrundsbelysning Specifikationer HuvudenhetOM Oregon Scientific EU-FÖRSÄKRAN OM Överensstämmelse FörsiktighetsåtgärderTemp. enhet Utomhustemperatur Och Norge NOregon Scientific. 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