Chapter 2: Using the Tiller Pilot | 19 |
Waypoint arrival and advance
Waypoint advance will only operate if the tiller pilot receives valid bearing to waypoint and waypoint name information.
The tiller pilot can only decode the first FOUR characters of a waypoint name. It will not be able to decode names longer than four characters, which will stop the waypoint advance feature from working.
If your navigator transmits valid waypoint name and bearing to waypoint data, you can advance from one waypoint to the next by pressing
As the boat passes the target waypoint, the navigator manually or automatically selects the next target waypoint. The pilot will then:
•detect the new target waypoint name
•sound the waypoint advance alarm
•display the new bearing to waypoint and the direction the boat will turn to acquire it
When the waypoint advance alarm is sounding, the tiller pilot will suspend Track mode and maintain the current heading:
•check that it is safe to turn onto the new track
•press the
Unless you accept the waypoint advance in this way, the alarm will continue to sound and the tiller pilot will maintain the current course.
Dodges in Track mode
In Track mode, you still have full control from the keypad:
•to make a dodge maneuver: use the
•after you have avoided the hazard, reverse the course change selected for the dodge maneuver by selecting an equal course change in the opposite direction
•if the boat remains within 0.1 nm of track, there is no need to steer back towards the track
2 Using the Tiller Pilot