Schneider Electric PM5100 Calculating the number of required pulses, Calculating total power

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Chapter 10—Verifying accuracy

PowerLogic™ PM5100 series user guide



6.Depending on the method selected for counting the energy pulses, configure the meter’s alarm / energy LED or one of the digital outputs to perform energy pulsing. Set the meter’s energy pulse constant so it is in sync with the reference test equipment.

7.Perform accuracy verification on the test points. Run each test point for at least 30 seconds to allow the test bench equipment to read an adequate number of pulses. Allow 10 seconds of dwell time between test points.

Calculating the number of required pulses

The reference test equipment typically requires you to specify the number of pulses required for a test duration of “t” seconds.

Use the following formula to calculate the required number of pulses:



Number of pulses = Ptot × K ×



Ptot = total instantaneous power in kilowatts (kW)

K = the meter’s pulse constant setting, in pulses per kWh

t = test duration, in seconds (typically greater than 30 seconds)

Calculating total power

The test voltage and current source supplies the same test signals to both the energy reference/standard and the meter under test. Total power is calculated as follows:

For a balanced 3-phase Wye system:

1 kW Ptot = 3 × VLN × I × PF × ------------------

1000 W

NOTE: A balanced 3-phase system assumes the voltage, current and power factor values are the same for all phases.

For a single-phase system:

1 kW Ptot = VLN × I × PF × ------------------

1000 W


Ptot = total instantaneous power in kilowatts (kW)

VLN = test point line-to-neutral voltage in volts [V]

I = test point current in amps [A]

PF = power factor

The result of the calculation is rounded up to the nearest integer.

Percent error calculation

For every test point:


Energy Error = --------------------- × 100%



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Contents PowerLogic PM5100 Series Power and Energy Meter Page Important Information Please notePage Hardware Refer Introduction Chapter Safety Precau TionsEnce Calculations Chapter AlarmsChapter Measurements Chapter MID ComplianceGlossary Table of Contents PowerLogic PM5100 series user guide Box Contents Power and Energy Meter HardwareParts and Accessories IntroductionIntroduction Safety Precautions Before You BeginPowerLogic PM5100 series user guide PM5100 Series Models, Features and Options Models, Features and OptionsFunctions and Characteristics Functions and CharacteristicsTechnical Specifications Mechanical Characteristics Environmental CharacteristicsElectromagnetic Compatibility Safety precautionsSafety CommunicationDimension Meter mountingMounting the PM5100 Meter wiring Serial No Description SpecificationRecommended cables Make Part code DescriptionWiring Diagrams 3CT 2CTDirect connect voltage limits Power systemSymbol Description Current TransformerSymbol Power system setup 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