Apollo IMY instruction manual Program Function of E1-CON and Optional E2-CON Cont’d

Page 14


“9” - If the alarm option is installed, a low level resets a latched or unlatched alarm into its inactive state. This provides manual override of alarms for system start-up and other unusual events such as system testing.

“10” - A negative going edge toggles the display between “input” and “total” (from input to total, or vice versa). No action is taken on the positive going edge.

“11” - A negative going edge zeros (tares) the input signal and adds the value that was in the input display to the totalizer value, every time this operation is performed. The time-base, scale factor and low cut-out in “Module #5” are in affect disabled, when this function is selected.

“12” - Display hold with offset. A negative going edge tares (zeros) the input signal. Prior to the offset operation, the input signal is saved and held (display hold) as long as the remote input pin is low. On the positive edge, the input display will show zero. If there is an increase to the input signal while the remote input is low, the display will reflect (show) the increase at the positive edge.

“13”- Instrument reading synchronization. A low level disables all meter operations (alarms, total, analog out, etc.). A positive edge resets the start of the A/D conversion, to allow synchronization with external processes and controls. While in this function, the other E-CON pin will be operational.

“14”- Print request. Transmits data according to the print options that have been selected in Program Module #7. If the low time exceeds 800 msec, a second print-out may occur.

“E2-CON” < > If the totalizer option is installed, E2-CON has the same programmable functions as E1-CON.


Image 14 Apollo IMY instruction manual Program Function of E1-CON and Optional E2-CON Cont’d
Contents Apollo Intelligent Meter Series Introduction Table of Contents Page Definition of Terms Safety InformationSafety Summary General Description Theory of OperationBlock Diagram Programming and Operating the IMY Programming the IMYDisplay Module #2 Program Temperature Display Offset and Slope Reset Latched Alarms Display Alarm ValuesEnter Alarm Values Reset PEAK/VALLEY Memory BufferTemperature Offset Value Enter Offset ValueModule #4 Program Digital Filter and Remote Input Program Digital FilteringProgram Function of E1-CON and Optional E2-CON Cont’d Program INTEGRATOR/TOTALIZER Time Base Module #5 Program INTEGRATOR/TOTALIZERProgram Decimal Point Position for the INTEGRATOR/TOTALIZER Module #6 Program ALARM/SETPOINT Alarm #2 High or LOW Acting Alarm #2 Assignment to Input or INTEGRATOR/ TotalizerProgram Value for Alarm #2 Print Request Function Baud RateUnit Address Number Full or Abbreviated TransmissionAnalog Output LO Display Value Module #8 Program RE-TRANSMITTED Analog OutputAnalog Output Source Analog Output HI Display ValueEnter Zero Reference Module #9 Service OperationsEnter Access Code Apply Precision ResistanceOperating the IMY Quick ProgrammingFactory Configuration SlopeProgramming Example Temperature Monitoring Example PEAK/VALLEY Offset and Slope Display TemperatureINTEGRATOR/TOTALIZER INTEGRATOR/TOTALIZER SET-UP INTEGRATOR/TOTALIZER ExampleBasic SET-UP 125 x 827 Alarms Optional Alarm Timing DiagramsGeneral Description Communication FormatSending Commands to the IMY Command String ExamplesTiming Diagrams Receiving Data from the IMY Current Loop InstallationWiring Connections Serial Terminal DescriptionsConnecting to AN RLC Printer Serial Communications ExamplesProcess Controlling System RE-TRANSMITTED Analog Output Optional Analog Output Calibration To 20 mA CalibrationSelect AC Power 115/230 VAC Appendix a Installation & ConnectionsInstallation Environment EMC Installation Guidelines Wiring Connections Power WiringAppendix B Specifications and Dimensions Open Thermistor Detection Display UlululTo 20 mA Certifications and Compliances Safety Appendix C Troubleshooting Guide Problem Possible Cause RemediesAppendix D Programmable Functions Decimal Point PositonAppendix D Programmable Functions Cont’d Appendix E Ordering Information E2-CONLimited Warranty IMY/IM-A 3/02 Drawing NO. LP0311