Apollo IMY instruction manual Serial Communications Examples, Connecting to AN RLC Printer

Page 33



The drawing shows the indicator with the 20 mA Serial Communication Option set-up with an RLC Model DMPC printer. An external current source is required to implement the printer’s busy signal to the indicator’s receive loop, which prevents overruns. The “Print switch” is a momentary contact, push button type connected between the E2-CON (TBA #8) and the signal common (TBA #7). The print function and E2-CON must be pro- grammed and the baud rate must match those of the printer. If a printer is used which does not have a ‘busy’ line, current must still be flowing into the indicator’s receive loop before transmission can occur.


Image 33 Apollo IMY instruction manual Serial Communications Examples, Connecting to AN RLC Printer
Contents Apollo Intelligent Meter Series Introduction Table of Contents Page Safety Information Safety SummaryDefinition of Terms Theory of Operation General DescriptionBlock Diagram Programming the IMY Programming and Operating the IMYDisplay Module #2 Program Temperature Display Offset and Slope Enter Alarm Values Display Alarm ValuesReset Latched Alarms Reset PEAK/VALLEY Memory BufferEnter Offset Value Temperature Offset ValueProgram Digital Filtering Module #4 Program Digital Filter and Remote InputProgram Function of E1-CON and Optional E2-CON Cont’d Module #5 Program INTEGRATOR/TOTALIZER Program Decimal Point Position for the INTEGRATOR/TOTALIZERProgram INTEGRATOR/TOTALIZER Time Base Module #6 Program ALARM/SETPOINT Alarm #2 Assignment to Input or INTEGRATOR/ Totalizer Program Value for Alarm #2Alarm #2 High or LOW Acting Unit Address Number Baud RatePrint Request Function Full or Abbreviated TransmissionAnalog Output Source Module #8 Program RE-TRANSMITTED Analog OutputAnalog Output LO Display Value Analog Output HI Display ValueEnter Access Code Module #9 Service OperationsEnter Zero Reference Apply Precision ResistanceQuick Programming Operating the IMYSlope Factory ConfigurationProgramming Example Temperature Monitoring Example Offset and Slope Display Temperature INTEGRATOR/TOTALIZERPEAK/VALLEY INTEGRATOR/TOTALIZER Example Basic SET-UPINTEGRATOR/TOTALIZER SET-UP 125 x 827 Alarm Timing Diagrams Alarms OptionalCommunication Format General DescriptionCommand String Examples Sending Commands to the IMYTiming Diagrams Wiring Connections Current Loop InstallationReceiving Data from the IMY Serial Terminal DescriptionsSerial Communications Examples Connecting to AN RLC PrinterProcess Controlling System RE-TRANSMITTED Analog Output Optional To 20 mA Calibration Analog Output CalibrationAppendix a Installation & Connections Installation EnvironmentSelect AC Power 115/230 VAC EMC Installation Guidelines Power Wiring Wiring ConnectionsOpen Thermistor Detection Display Ululul Appendix B Specifications and DimensionsTo 20 mA Certifications and Compliances Safety Problem Possible Cause Remedies Appendix C Troubleshooting GuideDecimal Point Positon Appendix D Programmable FunctionsAppendix D Programmable Functions Cont’d E2-CON Appendix E Ordering InformationLimited Warranty IMY/IM-A 3/02 Drawing NO. LP0311