Apollo IMY instruction manual Appendix a Installation & Connections, Installation Environment

Page 37



Do not use tools of any kind (screwdrivers, pens, pencils, etc.) to operate

The unit should be installed in a location that does not exceed the maximum

the keypad of the unit.

operating temperature and provides good air circulation. Placing the unit near

Before installing the IM into the panel, the user should first become familiar

devices that generate excessive heat should be avoided.

with the unit. It may also be desirable to program the unit for the application.

The bezel should be cleaned only with a soft cloth and neutral soap product.

When programming is complete, all parameters will be saved in non-volatile

Do NOT use solvents. Continuous exposure to direct sunlight may accelerate

memory. The Program Disable (PGM.DIS.) terminal should be connected to

the aging process of the bezel.

COMM. to prevent accidental or unauthorized programming changes.


The unit meets NEMA 4/IP65 requirements for indoor use, when properly



installed. The units are intended to be mounted into an enclosed panel with a


gasket to provide a water-tight seal. Two mounting clips and screws are


provided for easy installation. Consideration should be given to the thickness


of the panel. A panel which is too thin may distort and not provide a


water-tight seal. Recommended minimum panel thickness is 1/8".)


After the panel cut-out has been completed and deburred, carefully slide


the gasket over the rear of the unit to the back of the bezel. Insert the unit into


the panel. As depicted in the drawing,


install the screws into the narrow end of


the mounting clips. Thread the screws


into the clips until the pointed end just


protrudes through the other side. Install


each of the mounting clips by inserting


the wide lip of the clips into the wide end


of the hole, located on either side of the


case. Then snap the clip onto the case.


Tighten the screws evenly to apply


uniform compression, thus providing a


water-tight seal.


Caution: Only minimum pressure is required to seal panel. Do NOT


overtighten screws.


Caution: Make sure the AC selector switch is set to the

The AC power to the unit must be selected for either 115 VAC or 230 VAC.

The selector switch is located through an access slot on the side of the case

appropriate position before applying power to the unit.

(See figure above or label on case). The unit is shipped from the factory with

Damage to the unit may occur if the AC selector switch is set

the switch in the 230 VAC position.




Image 37 Apollo IMY instruction manual Appendix a Installation & Connections, Installation Environment, Select AC Power 115/230 VAC
Contents Apollo Intelligent Meter Series Introduction Table of Contents Page Safety Summary Safety InformationDefinition of Terms Theory of Operation General DescriptionBlock Diagram Programming the IMY Programming and Operating the IMYDisplay Module #2 Program Temperature Display Offset and Slope Enter Alarm Values Display Alarm ValuesReset Latched Alarms Reset PEAK/VALLEY Memory BufferEnter Offset Value Temperature Offset ValueProgram Digital Filtering Module #4 Program Digital Filter and Remote InputProgram Function of E1-CON and Optional E2-CON Cont’d Program Decimal Point Position for the INTEGRATOR/TOTALIZER Module #5 Program INTEGRATOR/TOTALIZERProgram INTEGRATOR/TOTALIZER Time Base Module #6 Program ALARM/SETPOINT Program Value for Alarm #2 Alarm #2 Assignment to Input or INTEGRATOR/ TotalizerAlarm #2 High or LOW Acting Unit Address Number Baud RatePrint Request Function Full or Abbreviated TransmissionAnalog Output Source Module #8 Program RE-TRANSMITTED Analog OutputAnalog Output LO Display Value Analog Output HI Display ValueEnter Access Code Module #9 Service OperationsEnter Zero Reference Apply Precision ResistanceQuick Programming Operating the IMYSlope Factory ConfigurationProgramming Example Temperature Monitoring Example INTEGRATOR/TOTALIZER Offset and Slope Display TemperaturePEAK/VALLEY Basic SET-UP INTEGRATOR/TOTALIZER ExampleINTEGRATOR/TOTALIZER SET-UP 125 x 827 Alarm Timing Diagrams Alarms OptionalCommunication Format General DescriptionCommand String Examples Sending Commands to the IMYTiming Diagrams Wiring Connections Current Loop InstallationReceiving Data from the IMY Serial Terminal DescriptionsSerial Communications Examples Connecting to AN RLC PrinterProcess Controlling System RE-TRANSMITTED Analog Output Optional To 20 mA Calibration Analog Output CalibrationInstallation Environment Appendix a Installation & ConnectionsSelect AC Power 115/230 VAC EMC Installation Guidelines Power Wiring Wiring ConnectionsOpen Thermistor Detection Display Ululul Appendix B Specifications and DimensionsTo 20 mA Certifications and Compliances Safety Problem Possible Cause Remedies Appendix C Troubleshooting GuideDecimal Point Positon Appendix D Programmable FunctionsAppendix D Programmable Functions Cont’d E2-CON Appendix E Ordering InformationLimited Warranty IMY/IM-A 3/02 Drawing NO. LP0311