Allows simulating Vessel Position, speed and course.
The simulated path is generally a straight course starting from the current position assumed by the cursor at the Simulation activation time.
Simulation Mode: Enables (On) or disables (Off) the Simulation. The default setting is Off.
Course: Sets the desired value for heading in Simulation mode. The default setting is 000° M.
Speed: Sets the value for speed in the Simulation mode. The default setting is 01.0 Kts.
Date: Sets the date of the simulated fix. Inserts date using the ShuttlePoint knob.
Time: Sets the time of the simulated fix. Inserts time using the ShuttlePoint knob.
Cursor Control: Enables (On)/disables (Off) the cursor control. The default setting is Off.
3.15.5 Automatic Info
The type of Automatic Info is user selectable. The possible settings are:
-Off: disabled, no automatic info shown at all.
-On Points: only on points. This is the default setting.
-On All: on all objects (points, lines and areas).
The Automatic Info On Points shows information when the cursor is placed on points (as Port Services, Tides, lights, wrecks, rocks, buoys, beacons, obstructions, land markers, etc.). The Automatic Info On All shows information when the cursor is placed on points, on lines (as Depth contours, Traffic Separation, Territorial Sea, Cartographic Lines etc.) on areas (Depth,
The details on Land, Source of Data, Cartographic Area and Spot Soundings are not shown.
Figure 3.15.5 - Automatic Info on Points
Press “ENTER” to see information about that object. Tree and Expanded Info pages
This page combines the Info Tree and the Expanded Info pages; this gives the
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