Furuno GP32 manual Plotter display, Highway display

Page 14


Plotter display

The plotter display traces own ship’s track, and shows position, bearing to cursor, range to cursor, horizontal display range setting and receiver status.

Receiver status

(See table on page 2.) Own ship mark (blinking)



Horizontal display





[ 40 mn ]


range setting














BRG: +



















to cursor*







RNG: +








12.0 mn








to cursor*













34° 44.000N 135° 21.000E

*= COG and SOG replace bearing to cursor and range to cursor when the cursor is not displayed.

Waypoint mark (Shape selectable)

Boat's track


(Displayed six seconds.)

Cursor position

(Own ship position when cursor is not displayed.)

Plotter display

Highway display

The highway display provides a 3-D view of own ship’s progress toward destination (waypoint). Nav data is also shown.

Bearing from own ship to destination waypoint

Direction to steer (to return to course) Appears to right or left of centerline depending on direction to steer;

: Steer right, : Steer left.


BRG 11°























COG 11°



































RNG 9.0m















0.05 mn

























Destination waypoint name "CURSOR" (cursor-selected destination) or waypoint name

Destination waypoint Moves forward as boat nears destination.

C (Delta Course)

The boat mark displays

course as follows:

When no waypoint is set;

The mode is North-up and

the arrow shows boat's course.

Range from own ship to destination waypoint

Analog XTE (Cross-track error) scale Arrow shifts with boat's XTE. When the arrow is aligned with the centerline

the boat is on course. The arrow blinks if boat's XTE is greater than XTE scale range. "N" (North) is displayed instead of the arrow when no destination is set.

Highway display

When a waypoint is set;

The arrow shows boat's

course towards destination.

Digital XTE indication (in nautical miles)


Image 14
Contents Page 00080928811 Safety Instructions Safety Instructions for the Installer Table of Contents Outline Drawings Word to the Owner of the GP-37, GP-32 FeaturesForeword GP-32 system configuration System ConfigurationGP-37 system configuration What is WAAS? Msas Egnos WaasOptional equipment Equipment ListsStandard supply Name Type Code No Qty RemarksControls How to attach and remove the hard coverOperational Overview Control panelTurning on the power Turning On and Off PowerAdjusting Brilliance and Contrast Turning off the powerDisplay modes default user displays Display ModesPlotter display Plotter displayHighway display Highway displaySteering display Steering displayNav data display Nav data displayDigital display Digital display default displayUser displays Speedometer displayOFF How to enter alphanumeric dataMenu Overview AutoSimulator display, auto course selected Simulation DisplaySimulator menu Shifting the Cursor Plotter Display OverviewChoosing the Display Range Cursor state and dataChanging Track Plotting Interval, Stopping Plotting Shifting the DisplayCentering Own Ship’s Position OFFErase Track Erasing TrackErase menu YESPlotter Display Overview This page intentionally left blank Entering a waypoint with the cursor Waypoints MarksEntering Waypoints WPTS/MARKS List Entering a waypoint at own ship positionEntering a waypoint from the waypoint list GPS POS. → MarkMark Entering the MOB MarkEnter a NEW WPT Name Saved to MOB GO to MOB ?DSP RTE DSP ALL Displaying Waypoint NameOperations on the Waypoint List Editing waypointsWPTS/MARKS Nearest Erasing WaypointsShowing nearest waypoints by distance, TTG and ETA Name KobeSpeed for Calculating Time-to-Go, Estimated Time of Arrival Creating a route with the cursor RoutesCreating Routes Sample routeRoutes Creating a route from the route menuWPTS/MARKS List Creating a route from the waypoint listRoutes Creating a track-based route automatically Creating a track-based routeCreating a track-based route manually DistanceREMOVE? INSERT? SKIP? Editing RoutesReplacing waypoints in a route NameInserting a waypoint in a route Route contents Route-01Permanently deleting a waypoint from a route Temporarily deselecting a waypoint in a routeErase Route 01 ? Erasing RoutesChanging route comment name YESThis page intentionally left blank WPT-NEAR? OFF?? ROUTE? CURSOR? SETUP? Setting Destination by CursorSetting Destination by Waypoint DestinationCanceling Destination Setting Route as DestinationSetting User Waypoint as Destination REVERSE?Arrival alarm AlarmsArrival Alarm, Anchor Watch Alarm AlarmsARV ANC XTE Cross Track Error AlarmAnchor watch alarm Time Alarm Speed AlarmWAAS/DGPS Alarm WAAS/DGPS mode and alarm messageBuzzer Type Selection Trip AlarmOdometer Alarm Long ConstantRange and bearing between two waypoints Other FunctionsCalculating Range, Bearing, TTG and ETA RouteWaas INT Beacon Waas SetupGPS EXT BeaconDgps setup GPSStation Nearest Programming Dgps user channels stationsEditing Dgps user channels Station UserTrue Bearing ReferenceErasing all user channels Erasing individual user channelsUnits of Measurement Geodetic Chart SystemMagnetic Variation For Loran C TD Time Difference using local time, Time FormatPosition Display Format For Decca TDGPS Setup GPS Setup menu descriptionSpeedometer User Display SetupDigital data Reset trip meter, odometer options Resetting Trip and Odometer DistancesReset Trip METER? Are YOU SURE? YES no ODOMETER? Speedometer displayUploading, Downloading Waypoint, Route Data WiringSetting for communication software on Downloading/Uploading between PC and GP-37/GP-32Uploading data from a PC Loading data from a YeomanWaypoint data format Route data formatEnd of sentence LanguageRoute comment data format EspanolDisplaying the Message Board Maintenance & TroubleshootingMaintenance MessagesReady for Battery Change Press ANY KEY To Shut Down Replacing the BatteryExchange BATTERY? Replacing the FuseSatellite monitor display DiagnosticsSatellite Monitor Display Test START? promptClearing Data Language and default position, unit and time difference Language Default Position Unit Time DifferenceThis page intentionally left blank Mounting considerations InstallationInstallation of Display Unit Desktop and overhead mountingFlush mount S kit Installation of Antenna UnitHow to assemble the connector Flush mount S kit Type OP20-17 Code NoHow to fix spring in fuse holder WiringWiring GroundingDATA1 Current loop data Initial SettingsOutput data format, data sentences DATA2 RS-232C levelDATA1, Data 2 and Nmea version options Output settingSetup menu This page intentionally left blank Appendix Menu TreeStart from -99 to +99 Digital Display divisionAvailable data Odometer, trip , time Interval 01 to 99Geodetic Chart List North AmericanLoran C Chains GRIDecca Chains Chain Location CodeAP-6 Specifications GPS Navigator GP-32 Dgps Navigator GP-37 Power Supply CT4UWOK Feb Hatai Page Page Page GPS Navigator Dgps Navigator Index WAAS/DGPS XTEIndex-2