Trowel Arm Adjustment
Use the following procedure to check and adjust trowel arms, and check for worn or damaged components when it becomes apparent that the trowel is finishing poorly or in need of routine maintenance.
Look for the following indications. Trowel arm alignment, worn spider bushings or bent trowel arms may the cause.
Are blades wearing unevenly? Is one blade completely worn out while the others look new?
Does the machine have a perceptible rolling or bouncing motion when in use?
Look at the machine while it is running; do the guard rings “rock up and down” relative to the ground?
1. Place the trowel in a FLAT, LEVEL area.
A level, clean area to test the trowel prior to and after is essential. Any unlevel spots in the floor or debris under the trowel blades will give an incorrect perception of adjustment. Ideally, a 5 x 5 Ft. (1.5 x 1.5 Meter)
2.Pitch the blades as flat as possible. The adjustment bolts should all barely make contact with the lower wear plate on the spider. If one is not making contact, adjustment will be necessary. (Figure 35).
Figure 35 illustrates, "incorrect alignment", worn spider bushings or bent trowel arms. Check that the adjustment bolt is barely touching (0.10" max. clearance) lower wear plate. All alignment bolts should be spaced the same
distance from the lower wear plate.
Adjustment Bolt | Lower Wear Plate |
Dished Effect on
Finished Concrete
Figure 35. Incorrect Spider Plate Alignment
Figure 36 illustrates the "correct alignment " for a spider plate (as shipped from the factory).
Trowel Arm
Mounting Bar
Correct Alignment
Figure 36. Correct Spider Plate
AlignmentSpider Removal
Remove the spider assembly from the gearbox shaft as follows:
1.Locate the cone point square head set screw (Figure 37) and attached jam nut found on the side of the spider
Gearbox Shaft
Upper Wear Plate
Thrust Collar Bearing
Thrust Collar
Thrust Collar Bushing
Lower Wear Plate
Jam Nut
Spider Plate
Set Screw (Cone Point, Square Head)
Figure 37. Spider/Gearbox Removal