The footswitches are also used to select Presets. The Bank Up and Bank Down footswitches advance or reverse Banks, and the 1-3 numbered footswitches select the Preset within the active Bank. Successive presses of the Bank Up or Down switches will advance or decrease to the next Bank of Presets. Each time a new Bank has been selected, the numbered footswitches will flash indicating that you need to select a Preset using these footswitches in order to activate that Bank. If no preset is selected within 5 seconds, the Bass30 will revert to the currently active Bank and Preset. Once you have selected the desired Bank, simply use the numbered footswitches to select one of the three possible Presets. For instance, if you want to access User Preset 63, press the Bank Up or Down switch repeatedly until the display shows Bank 6. Then press the #3 footswitch to access Preset 3. The display will then show 63 . The Preset footswitches are also used to bypass the Bass30. To bypass the Preset, press the currently active Footswitch. The display will show bP indicating that it is bypassed. Press any numbered footswitch to return to the Preset.
Note: The footswitches will only activate the User Presets and Banks. To access the Factory Presets and Banks, you will need to use the Data Wheel and scroll above or below the last User Bank/Preset.