Sterling AF-XXX specifications Injection Molding Applications, Control Relay Connection

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4-3 Injection Molding Applications

Discussed in this portion of the manual are the finer points of the additive feeder operation, programming the control, and installation notes and examples. If you are unfamiliar with this product or have never performed this type of installation, please read this section of the manual fully before installing the equipment.

Steps that must be completed before the additive feeder will perform properly:

The proper control signal from the injection process

Accurate programming of the control (Factory default programming is sufficient for most injection applications)

Injection Molding

Injection Molding cycles require that the additive feeder supply a constant feed rate during recovery and no material during the shot. Once a desired feed rate has been identified (See 3- 4, Determining the Desired Feed Rate) and a calibration has been performed (See 3-4, Calibration Procedure), then the correct RPM can be set for that process. Finally the additive feeder needs to be told when to start and stop feeding material using a control connection.

Control Relay Connection

To interlock the additive feeder operation to an injection molding machine, remove jumper (J1) from the terminal block in the control enclosure and wire in the control relay signal from the processing machine. For injection applications the additive feeder will automatically operate at the specified rate while the screw is turning.(see 4-3, Injection Mode Application)

Field Control Programming

Although the drive’s user interface is very versatile, it is also simple to setup and operate. With just a few button presses, it allows the user to configure a number of adjustable parameters. The LED display has three basic operating modes: Running Mode, Parameter- Selection Mode, and Value Mode. Each of the three modes have specific visual indicators that allow the user to immediately determine the current state or mode of the user interface.

Note: Parameter-Selection Mode and Value Mode can only be entered if the Program Enable jumper is in the “On” position.

Running Mode is the default display of the unit when power is applied. The drive will spend the majority of its time in this mode. In Running Mode, the display shows the target value in the appropriate user defined format of rate, time, or percentage. The control will continuously attempt to drive the motor at the requested target rate. In this display mode, the Up and Down buttons increase or decrease the displayed target value until either the display minimum or display maximum limit is reached. Depending on the alarm configuration, these buttons may also serve as an alarm-silence or alarm-reset button.

Parameter-Selection Mode can be entered by simply pressing and holding the Enter button down for three seconds. Once in Parameter-Selection Mode, the far left of the display will be a “P.” The right side of the display will indicate the currently selected parameter number for

Additive Feeders

Chapter 4: Operation

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Contents SF Series Additive Feeders Shipping Information Table of Contents Program Parameter Descriptions Safety How to Use This ManualSafety Symbols Used in this Manual Wear Safety Glasses and Work Gloves Responsibility General ResponsibilityOperator Responsibility RememberAdditive Feeder Safety Tags Maintenance ResponsibilityReporting a Safety Defect Standard Features Mechanical FeaturesFunctional Description Models Covered in This ManualElectrical Features Controller FeaturesOptions Accessories Safety Devices and InterlocksSafety Circuit Standards Safety Device Lock-OutsFail Safe Operation Installation Supply System InstallationUncrating the Equipment Rigging and Placing the Additive FeederMain Power Connection Electrical ConnectionsControl Relay Connection Setup Procedures Determining the Desired Feed Rate110 100 Calibration Procedure ProcedureEquipment Needed Examples Observed Feed RatesInitial Start-up Pre-Startup ChecksStarting Up the Additive Feeder Shutting Down the Additive FeederTimer Module Used as a Cycle Override Safety TimerOperation Start-upCounter Module Elapsed Time ModuleInjection Molding Applications Injection MoldingControl Relay Connection Field Control ProgrammingResetting the Unit to Un-Programmed State JP1 Program Enable JumperProgramming Step by Step Guide Additive Feeders Operation Injection Mode Application Notes Extrusion Applications Extruder Tracking ControlExtruder Tracking Installation and Setup Extruder Tracking EquationRunning Mode Parameter-Selection ModeValue Mode Resetting the Unit to Un-Programmed State Input Pulse Signal Requirements Extruder Tracking Control Application NotesMinimum Input Pulse Rate Maximum Input Pulse Rate Minimum and Maximum Percent SetpointsProgram Parameter Descriptions Defining Program ParametersMode 1 Default to Zero Parameter 19 Power-up Value Parameter 35 Signal Input 2 S2 Input Configuration Parameter 36 Signal Input 2 S2 Setpoint Maintenance Preventative Maintenance SchedulePhotocopy this page for your maintenance records Preventative Maintenance Material Cleanout/ChangeoverCorrective Maintenance Auger Assembly ChangeoverRemoving Auger Assembly Installing Auger AssemblyMotor Brush Replacement Troubleshooting Problem Possible cause Corrective actionIntroduction Problem Possible cause Corrective action Additive Feeders Troubleshooting Technical Specifications AppendixAnnex B Information Drawings and Diagrams Additive Feeder Specifications and Overall DimensionsTypical Additive Feeder Controllers Spare Parts List Exploded Assembly Drawing Parts ListDetail # Part number Part/assembly description One Component Control Enclosure Parts Identification Safety Tag Information Warranty ReturnsReturned Material Policy Credit ReturnsAdditive Feeder Identification Serial Number Tag Company LogoTechnical Assistance Sterling, Inc Th Street New Berlin, WIWorksheet for Charting Feed Rates