47.Set both the U.U.T. and TC-simulator to output 32.0°F (Type T). Adjust P1 for a null-meter reading of 0±3µV.
48.Hit OPR key to store T-calib zero adjustment.
NOTE: Steps 49 thru 54 apply to Model CL24 only. For Model CL23A go next to step 55.
49.Select Type-E thermocouple.
50.Turn off U.U.T.
51.Replace T calibration-cable with E calibration-cable.
52.Turn on U.U.T. Allow 2-3 minutes for thermal stabilization.
53.Set both the U.U.T. and thermocouple-simulator to 32.0°F (Type E). Adjust P1 for a null-meter reading of 0±3µV.
54.Hit OPR Key to store E-calib zero adjustment
55.Turn off U.U.T.
56.Remove calibration cover. Be careful not to disturb battery connections.
57.Re-install J1 jumper.
58.Re-install original back cover. Calibration is complete.