Altek 830-KP manual Calibrate Frequency Inputs, Read Functions, Min/Max, Restarting MIN/MAX

Page 11



Choose this function to provide pulses into frequency measuring instruments. The 830-KP output is a zero crossing square wave from -1V to +5V amplitude. Available ranges are from 0.01 to

10.00kHz, 1 to 1000 Hz and from 1 to 1000 CPM (Counts-Per- Minute).

CPM is used to simulate extremely slow frequency signals with greater resolution. For example, 10 Hz is equivalent to 600 CPM. To convert from CPM to Hz Divide by 60. To convert from Hz to CPM multiply by 60.

1)Disconnect one or both input wires from the device to be calibrated

2)Press the FREQUENCY/PRESSURE pushbutton until any frequency signal (KHz, Hz or CPM) appears on the display.

3)Press the DISPLAY/SOURCE/READ push-button until SOURCE and KHz, Hz or CPM appear on the display

4)Press the TYPE/ENG UNITS pushbuuton to select between KHz, Hz or CPM on the display

5)Connect the red SOURCE lead of the calibrator to the plus (+) input of the device and the black SOURCE lead to the minus (-).

Output frequency is continuously adjustable with the UP/DOWN push-buttons. Zero & Span (or any other values) are available by using the LO and HI "QUIK-CHEKs"

Frequency Receiver Input









Select read by pressing the DISPLAY/SOURCE/READ pushbutton until the word READ appears on the LCD display. The READ functions measure the desired signal. Multiple scales are available for some functions.


To read the Maximum or Minimum INPUT since READ mode was entered, simply press the MAX or MIN push-button. The value will appear on the LCD along with the word MAX or MIN. The MAX/MIN values are automatically updated and may be viewed at any time without interrupting the other values.


Pressing the STORE/RESET push-button will cause the 830-KP to store the present reading into the MAX and MIN memories. Upon releasing the STORE/RESET push- button the 830-KP will resume reading the input and update the MAX & MIN values as the measured signal changes.



Signals above or below those available for

the currently selected range will be indicat-


ed by OVER and UNDER on the display.



Image 11 Altek 830-KP manual Calibrate Frequency Inputs, Read Functions, Min/Max, Restarting MIN/MAX, OUT of Range Signals
Contents Process Calibrator General Information ContentsConnections Rear Label Condensed Operation GuideGeneral TURN-ON Operating Instructions Turn OFF PowerGeneral Display Contrast Display BacklightingCalibrate Milliamp Inputs Source ModeStoring QUIK-CHEK Outputs Recalling QUIK-CHEK OutputsCalibrate Voltage Inputs Simulate 2-WIRE TransmittersWire mA, 2-WIRE % Percent of 4 to 20 mA 2-WIRE DP % Check 1-5 Volt Inputs Without Disconnecting Wires Calibrate Resistance Inputs Calibrate Thermocouple InputsCalibrate RTD Inputs Two Wire RTD ConnectionThree Wire RTD Connection Four Wire RTD ConnectionMIN/MAX OUT of Range SignalsCalibrate Frequency Inputs Read FunctionsConnection for DC Volts to 200.0 vhi Read Milliamp OutputsRead DC and AC Voltage Outputs MV, V, Vhi and Vac Measure Thermocouple Sensors Read AC VoltagesCheck Continuity Read ResistanceOhms Measure RTD Sensors BlackCount Frequencies Connection for signals with amplitudes to 250 V RMSRead mA, Read %, Read DP% Calibrate 2-WIRE TransmittersCalibrate 4-WIRE Transmitters Calibrate Transmitters ANY Source FunctionRead Pressure Fitting InstallationRead Presssure Calibrate Pressure Transmitters Read Pressure Specifications Read Ohms Measure DC Volts RangesCold Junction Accuracy ±1C Read ThermocouplesType Range Accuracy Thermocouple SpecificationsRTD Type Alpha Range Accuracy RTD SpecificationsOrdering Information WarrantyPN 1800470 Rev a April