2.Are the main automatic gas shutoff valves energized?
–No. The main automatic gas shutoff valves are leaking. Turn off unit and close manual gas valves. Determine cause of valve failure and rectify.
–Yes. Continue.
3.Is the flame relay energized?
–No. There is a short in the wiring of the gas valves. Close manual gas valves. Determine cause of short and rectify.
–Yes. Continue.
4.Is the burner enable relay energized?
–Yes. There is a short in the wiring of the flame relay. Close manual gas valves. Determine cause of short and rectify.
–No. Continue.
5.Is the burner enable relay's normally open contact closed?
–Yes. Close manual gas valves. Replace the relay.
–No. Continue.
6.Unplug the input terminals from the input jack. Is there continuity at the controller between the burner status terminals?
–No. Close manual gas valves. There is a short in the wiring between the burner status relay and the burner status terminals. Determine cause and rectify.
–Yes. Close manual gas valves. Replace the controller.
FAULT CODE: Flame Failure
Note: This fault code is not applicable to all unit types.
PROBLEM:The controller has received a signal from the flame relay indicating a flame failure.
SOLUTION:Investigate flame relay
1.Is there a prior alarm such as Unit On/Fan Off, Airflow Sw., or Safety Circuit?
–Yes. See the Diagnostic section for the previous alarm.
–No. Continue.
2.See flame relay troubleshooting information in unit Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual.
Diagnostics - Non-Critical Fault Codes
This section should assist the user in troubleshooting
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