Unit Operating Modes
To change the desired cooling room temperature of an
Each push of a button changes the temperature setpoint by 1°F. The setpoint can be changed a maximum of ±10°F from the default of 72°F.
To change the desired cooling room temperature of an
Additionally, on all controls systems except the MDT the control system cycles the cooling output to maintain the supply air temperature within a defined operating window. This window defines the maximum and minimum discharge temperatures.
To change the desired minimum supply or discharge air temperature scroll through the SETPOINTS menu tree, locate the CLG MIN DA Setpoint, and enter a new temperature. This temperature must not be greater than the CLG MAX DA Setpoint. The allowable temperature range is 55°F - 130°F. This sets the lowest discharge air temperature that will leave the unit.
To change the desired maximum supply or discharge air temperature scroll through the SETPOINTS menu tree, locate the CLG MAX DA Setpoint, and enter a new temperature. This temperature must not be less than the CLG MIN DA Setpoint. The allowable temperature range is 55°F - 130°F. This sets the highest discharge air temperature that will leave the unit.
If the maximum and minimum discharge temperature setpoints are set for the same temperature, the supply air temperature will be the same as the setpoint regardless of the room temperature setpoint or actual room temperature.
Damper Control Modes
There are four different modes that control the unit damper operation: Manual, Mixed Air Temperature, Building Pressure, and 100% Outside Air. Except for the 100% Outside Air mode, these operating modes are selected through the menu tree of the local user interface or PC. Not all damper modes are available on all units.
Manual Mode
Manual Mode is the default damper operational mode. This will set the outside air damper to a fixed position.
MDT and MRT Controls. To place the damper operation in Manual Mode on an MDT or MRT control system be sure the appropriate terminals in the unit control panel are not shorted. See the Typical Wiring Schematic and Multiplexed Input sections of this manual for more information. Rotate the damper control knob on the remote panel to the desired percentage of outside air. If the unit served by this control is a
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