Invacare Ranger IIJR Replacing Casters Figure, Replacing Forks Figure, Dust Cover Locknut

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1.Remove the hex screw, washers and locknut that secure the caster to the fork.

2.Remove the caster from the fork.

3.Install Loctite 242 onto the hex screw.

4.Replace caster and reverse STEPS 1-3.

5.Torque the locknut to 120-inch pounds.

6.Loosen the locknut 1/8 of a turn.

7.Move the caster side to side.

NOTE: If the caster moves side to side, tighten the locknut slightly. Repeat STEP 7 until there is no side to side movement of the caster.


Hex Screw





1.Remove the hex screw, washers and locknut that secure the caster to the existing fork.

2.Remove the caster from the existing fork.

3.Remove the dust cover.

4.Remove the locknut and nylon washer.

5.Drop the existing fork out of the caster head tube.

6.Slide the new fork into the caster head tube.

NOTE: Check bearing assemblies and replace if nec- essary.

7.Ensure that new fork slides completely into the caster head tube.

8.Install nylon washer and secure with locknut.


Improper positioning of the washer will prohibit the free movement of the forks.

9.Install Loctite 242 onto the hex screw.

10.Position the caster into the new fork.

11.Reinstall the hex screw, washers and locknut that secure the caster to the new fork.

12.Torque the locknut to 120-inch pounds.

13.Loosen the locknut 1/8 of a turn.

14.Move the caster side to side.

NOTE: If the caster moves side to side, tighten the locknut slightly. Repeat STEP 14 until there is no side to side movement of the caster.

15.Adjust the fork. Refer to ADJUSTING FORKS in PROCEDURE 8 of the owner's manual, part num- ber 1080737.


Caster Headtube

Dust Cover




Nylon Washer






Hex Screw




Image 32
Contents MWD/FWD Wheelchair TIE-DOWN Restraints and Seat Positioning Straps R N I N GE C I a L T E S Table of Contents High Back not available on model R2250 Series Specification SSpecifications Specifications LowandHighBackTypeshaveanInfiniteadjustmentProcedure 1 of this manual Are approximateInches 16 to 20-inches In 1-inch incrementsGeneral Guidelines Procedure Controller Settings for R2JRRepair or Service Information Operating InformationProcedure General Guidelines Wiring Harness for Battery Box LidGeneral Guidelinesprocedure Back ViewBack View Motor Assembly Battery Wiring HarnessFor Battery Side FrameBattery Warning Label Location Not remove this label 1095559Using Hydrometer to Check Battery Cells Lead Acid Figure Procedure TroubleshootingBattery Charger Connector Digital Voltmeter Field Load Test FigureNumber of Floating Balls Motor Testing FigureTroubleshooting Procedure Pin Motor Connector Ohmmeter CapMotorAdjusting FLIP-UP Removable Footboard Front Riggings ProcedureO N T I N G S Angle FigureAdjusting the Removable Footboard Procedure Front RiggingsAdjusting Footboard Angle Figure Depth FigureBattery Tray Reinstall the caplug capsFront Hex ScrewFootboard Pivot Caplug Assemblies Washer Perform one 1 of the followingProcedure Arms Replacing Armrest Pads FigureReplacing Armrest Plate Figure M SSEAT/BACK Procedure Replacing Seat Positioning StrapReplacing Back Upholstery Figure A T C KAssembly Washers Hex Screws Apply Loctite Replacing Captains Seat FigureAdjusting Seat Depth Figure Adjusting Back Height FigureSeat Frame Procedure A T M EChanging Back Angle Figure Replacing Back Canes FigureDetail B Top Half of Back CanesA T Bottom Half of Back CanesHole WheelchairREMOVING/INSTALLING Mkiv Controller Procedure ElectronicsRepositioning Mkiv Joystick E C T R O N I C SElectronics Procedure Mounting Stud on Wheelchair FrameController Washer Inch Wide Models FigureWire Connector Support Tie-Wrap Battery Wiring HarnessMounting Stud on Wheelchair Frame Washer Controller LocknutsLimit Switch Phono Plug Limit SwitchLimit Switch BodyActuator 5o Seat Angle Procedure Limit SwitchRecline Angle 4 inches REMOVING/INSTALLING Drive Wheels Wheels ProcedureReplacing Pneumatic TIRES/ Tubes Drive WHEELS/CASTERS Inch Drive Wheel FigureREMOVING/INSTALLING Drive Wheel HUB Figure Procedure WheelsInstalling RemovingKeystock LockingReplacing Casters Figure Replacing Forks FigureForkLocknut Hex Screw Washer WasherCaster Dust Cover LocknutWeight Shift Basic Tilt Models Pro- ceed to Step Installing Side ShroudsR O U D S Position the side shroud on the wheelchair frameProcedure Shrouds Weight Shift Tilt Models Proceed to StepWheelchairs not Equipped with Weight Shift Basic Tilt O U D SShrouds Procedure R O U Detail aAdjusting Seat Width Integrated Sling Seats Figure CrossbracesO S S B R a C E S FWD WheelchairsProcedure Crossbraces O SR a C E S Pivot Link Locknut Steps 4Replacing Crossbraces Captains Seats Figure Dust Cover Steps 6 Steps 8Tie Wraps Steps 7 Detail a Steps 9 Front WheelchairBatteries T T E R I E SConnecting Battery Cables Dual U1 or Dual Group 22 Battery BoxesBattery Cable Direct Mount MethodPositive + Battery Terminal/Post Battery Orange Battery Terminal Cap+ Battery Post Tie Wrap Group 22 NF Black BatteryTerminal BatteryCapBattery Clamp Battery Cable Battery Clamp Method Figures 4, 5Installing Battery Clamp Covers Exploded RED Battery Clamp Cover Positive + BatteryT E R I E S Assembling Ranger II FWD A I R SIntegrated Sling Seats Figure Unfolding the WheelchairFWD Wheelchairs Unfolding/Folding Captains Seat FigureUnfolding Push Brackets CrossbracesWhen to Charge Batteries Figure Description and Use of Battery ChargersCharging Batteries Figure MCC-MKIV X, a or A+ JoystickRecommended Battery Types Cleaning Battery TerminalsReplacing Batteries Required ItemsINSTALLING/REMOVING Battery Boxes R2BASIC and R2STANDARD FigureDetaila R2JR FigureUnfolding Battery Tray for Use Figure Battery TrayFolding Battery Tray for Transport Figure C H a I R S Changing Width of Battery Tray Figure Removing/Installing Battery Tray for R2BASICInstalling Figure Removing/Installing Battery Tray R2JR. FigureReplacing Left Battery Tray Hanger Bracket For Model R2JR FigureHanger Bracket for Model R2JR For Models R2BASIC and R2STANDARD FigureReplacing Wiring Harness Figure E E L C H a I R SController Locknut Rear Locknut Loosen Screw But Do Not RemoveWiring Harness Tie Wraps Phono Jack Nut Side Shroud Phillips ScrewsSpacers Charger Cable Mounting BracketInch Wide Models Figure Wire Connector Support Slot Phillips Screws Replacing Wiring Harness 14-INCH Wide ModelsUsers Weight 201 to 250 LBS Motor Mounting Positions Users Weight 200 LBS and Under Motor Mounting PositionsRepositioning Motors Figure R2 Basic and R2JRSteps 2, 4, 10, 11 Steps 6Motor Gearbox Front Motor Mounting Position Middle Motor Rear MotorRotate battery tray hanger bracket up Tip Steps 2, 6Pin Steps 3 Clutch Handle StepReplacing MOTOR/GEARBOX R2STANDARD Figure For R2JR onlyBattery Motor Connectors Steps 2Dust Cover Not Shown 13,14,15Seat Rails Seat Guides Assembling Ranger II MWDUnfolding/Folding Integrated Sling Seats Figure MWD Wheelchairs Unfolding/Folding Captains Seats FigureBattery Discharge Indicator BDIShutoff Procedure Mkiv X, a or A+ Joystick MKIV- RII JoystickBattery Charger Connector on Side of Wheelchair From Battery Charger Connector atBattery Charger Three Pronged Plug Front View Charger Port Joystick Battery BoxesTo remove the removable footboard, refer to Remov INSTALLING/REMOVING Battery Boxes FigureClean the new battery terminals Leads Battery Tray FigureRetaining Front Battery Box Strap Rear Strap Clip Slots Battery Tray Hanger Bracket MountingBattery Tray Pins Hex Bolts Procedure MWD Wheelchairs WiringE L C H a I R S Cable Mounting Bracket may Vary depending on wheelStabilizer Adjustment Nut Measure This Height Stabilizer Identification FigureType a Type B Type C SpringAdjusting Stabilizer for User Preference TerclockwiseHex Bolt Stabilizer Plates Cylinder Hex Bolt Bottom of Stabilizer CylinderReplacing Stabilizer Cylinders Stabilizer Locknut Lower SpringWheelchair Frame Jam Nut Locknuts TOP Hex Bolt Stabilizer PlatesReplacing Stabilizer Wheel Type C Stabilizer AssembliesReplacing Stabilizer Cylinder Springs Figure Hex Bolt Spacers Stabilizer WheelCOUNTER-CLOCKWISE 16-20x LocknutRepositioning Motors Replacing Clutch Handles R2BASIC and R2250 Series FigureTie Wrap Steps Battery Tray Mounting Bracket Motor Gearbox Wheelchair Frame Short SocketPin Pin StepReplacing MOTOR/GEARBOX R2STANDARD Figure Battery Motor Connectors Steps 4 Steps 5, 6 Locknut Dust Cover Motor/GearboxPage Warranty R R a N T YChedworth Way