Invacare Ranger IIBASIC Replacing Armrest Pads Figure, Replacing Armrest Plate Figure, M S

Page 18




This Procedure Includes the Following:

Replacing Armrest Pads

Replacing Armrest Plate

NOTE: The following procedures are for Captain's seats only.


After ANY adjustments, repair or service and BEFORE use, make sure that all at- taching hardware is tightened securely - otherwise injury or damage may result.



Remove the mounting screws that secures the front


of the armrest pad to the armrest plate.


Remove the mounting screw that secures the rear of


the armrest pad and armrest insert to the armrest




1.If necessary, remove the three (3) hex bolts, spacers and locknuts that secure the joystick mounting bracket to the armrest plate.

2.Remove armrest pad. Refer to REPLACING ARM- REST PADS in this procedure of the manual.

3.Remove the lug bolt, washers and locknut that secure the existing armrest plate to the seat frame assembly.

4.Position the new armrest plate on the seat frame as- sembly and secure with thelug bolt, washers and lock- nut. Refer to FIGURE 2 for correct hardware orienta- tion.

5.Reinstall armrest pad. Refer to REPLACING ARM- REST PADS in this procedure of the manual.

6.If necessary, reinstall the three (3) hex bolts, spacers and locknuts that secure the joystick mounting bracket to the armrest plate.

7.Repeat STEPS 1-6 for the opposite armrest plate, if necessary.


Remove the existing armrest pad and position the


new armrest pad on the armrest plate.


Line up the mounting holes in the armrest insert, arm-


rest plate and new armrest pad.


Reinstall the rear mounting screw through the arm-


rest insert, armrest plate and armrest pad and tighten




Reinstall the front mounting screw into the armrest


plate and new armrest pad and tighten securely.









Armrest Plate

Armrest Insert

Phillips Screw



Hex Bolts

Armrest Pad

Lug Bolt





Armrest Plate






Seat Frame

Assembly Spacers

Joystick Mounting Bracket



Image 18
Contents MWD/FWD R N I N G E C I a L T E SWheelchair TIE-DOWN Restraints and Seat Positioning Straps Table of Contents Specification S SpecificationsHigh Back not available on model R2250 Series Specifications LowandHighBackTypeshaveanInfiniteadjustmentInches Procedure 1 of this manualAre approximate 16 to 20-inches In 1-inch incrementsRepair or Service Information General Guidelines ProcedureController Settings for R2JR Operating InformationProcedure General Guidelines Wiring Harness for Battery Box LidGeneral Guidelinesprocedure Back ViewFor Battery Back View Motor Assembly BatteryWiring Harness Side FrameBattery Warning Label Location Not remove this label 1095559Battery Charger Connector Digital Voltmeter Using Hydrometer to Check Battery Cells Lead Acid FigureProcedure Troubleshooting Field Load Test FigureMotor Testing Figure Troubleshooting ProcedureNumber of Floating Balls Pin Motor Connector Ohmmeter CapMotorO N T I N G S Adjusting FLIP-UP Removable FootboardFront Riggings Procedure Angle FigureAdjusting Footboard Angle Figure Adjusting the Removable FootboardProcedure Front Riggings Depth FigureFront Hex ScrewFootboard Pivot Caplug Assemblies Washer Battery TrayReinstall the caplug caps Perform one 1 of the followingReplacing Armrest Plate Figure Procedure ArmsReplacing Armrest Pads Figure M SReplacing Back Upholstery Figure SEAT/BACK ProcedureReplacing Seat Positioning Strap A T C KAssembly Washers Hex Screws Apply Loctite Replacing Captains Seat FigureSeat Frame Procedure Adjusting Seat Depth FigureAdjusting Back Height Figure A T M EDetail B Changing Back Angle FigureReplacing Back Canes Figure Top Half of Back CanesHole A TBottom Half of Back Canes WheelchairRepositioning Mkiv Joystick REMOVING/INSTALLING Mkiv ControllerProcedure Electronics E C T R O N I C SController Washer Electronics ProcedureMounting Stud on Wheelchair Frame Inch Wide Models FigureMounting Stud on Wheelchair Frame Washer Wire Connector SupportTie-Wrap Battery Wiring Harness Controller LocknutsLimit Switch Limit Switch Phono PlugLimit Switch BodyProcedure Limit Switch Recline Angle 4 inchesActuator 5o Seat Angle Replacing Pneumatic TIRES/ Tubes Drive WHEELS/CASTERS REMOVING/INSTALLING Drive WheelsWheels Procedure Inch Drive Wheel FigureInstalling REMOVING/INSTALLING Drive Wheel HUB FigureProcedure Wheels RemovingKeystock LockingForkLocknut Hex Screw Washer WasherCaster Replacing Casters FigureReplacing Forks Figure Dust Cover LocknutR O U D S Weight Shift Basic Tilt Models Pro- ceed to StepInstalling Side Shrouds Position the side shroud on the wheelchair frameWheelchairs not Equipped with Weight Shift Basic Tilt Procedure ShroudsWeight Shift Tilt Models Proceed to Step O U D SShrouds Procedure R O U Detail aO S S B R a C E S Adjusting Seat Width Integrated Sling Seats FigureCrossbraces FWD WheelchairsR a C E S Procedure CrossbracesO S Pivot Link Locknut Steps 4Replacing Crossbraces Captains Seats Figure Tie Wraps Steps 7 Detail a Steps 9 Dust Cover Steps 6Steps 8 Front WheelchairBatteries T T E R I E SBattery Cable Connecting Battery CablesDual U1 or Dual Group 22 Battery Boxes Direct Mount Method+ Battery Positive + Battery Terminal/PostBattery Orange Battery Terminal Cap Post Tie Wrap Group 22 NF Black BatteryTerminal BatteryCapBattery Clamp Method Figures 4, 5 Installing Battery Clamp CoversBattery Clamp Battery Cable RED Battery Clamp Cover Positive + Battery T E R I E SExploded Integrated Sling Seats Figure Assembling Ranger II FWDA I R S Unfolding the WheelchairUnfolding FWD WheelchairsUnfolding/Folding Captains Seat Figure Push Brackets CrossbracesCharging Batteries Figure When to Charge Batteries FigureDescription and Use of Battery Chargers MCC-MKIV X, a or A+ JoystickReplacing Batteries Recommended Battery TypesCleaning Battery Terminals Required ItemsDetaila INSTALLING/REMOVING Battery BoxesR2BASIC and R2STANDARD Figure R2JR FigureBattery Tray Folding Battery Tray for Transport FigureUnfolding Battery Tray for Use Figure C H a I R S Installing Figure Changing Width of Battery Tray FigureRemoving/Installing Battery Tray for R2BASIC Removing/Installing Battery Tray R2JR. FigureHanger Bracket for Model R2JR Replacing Left Battery Tray Hanger BracketFor Model R2JR Figure For Models R2BASIC and R2STANDARD FigureController Locknut Replacing Wiring Harness FigureE E L C H a I R S Rear Locknut Loosen Screw But Do Not RemoveSpacers Wiring Harness Tie WrapsPhono Jack Nut Side Shroud Phillips Screws Charger Cable Mounting BracketInch Wide Models Figure Wire Connector Support Slot Phillips Screws Replacing Wiring Harness 14-INCH Wide ModelsRepositioning Motors Figure Users Weight 201 to 250 LBS Motor Mounting PositionsUsers Weight 200 LBS and Under Motor Mounting Positions R2 Basic and R2JRMotor Gearbox Steps 2, 4, 10, 11Steps 6 Front Motor Mounting Position Middle Motor Rear MotorPin Steps 3 Rotate battery tray hanger bracket upTip Steps 2, 6 Clutch Handle StepReplacing MOTOR/GEARBOX R2STANDARD Figure For R2JR onlyDust Cover Not Shown Battery Motor ConnectorsSteps 2 13,14,15Assembling Ranger II MWD Unfolding/Folding Integrated Sling Seats FigureSeat Rails Seat Guides MWD Wheelchairs Unfolding/Folding Captains Seats FigureShutoff Procedure Battery DischargeIndicator BDI Mkiv X, a or A+ Joystick MKIV- RII JoystickBattery Charger Three Pronged Plug Front View Battery Charger Connector on Side of WheelchairFrom Battery Charger Connector at Charger Port Joystick Battery BoxesINSTALLING/REMOVING Battery Boxes Figure Clean the new battery terminalsTo remove the removable footboard, refer to Remov Battery Tray Figure Retaining Front Battery Box Strap Rear Strap ClipLeads Slots Battery Tray Hanger Bracket MountingBattery Tray Pins Hex Bolts E L C H a I R S Procedure MWD WheelchairsWiring Cable Mounting Bracket may Vary depending on wheelType a Type B Type C Stabilizer Adjustment Nut Measure This HeightStabilizer Identification Figure SpringHex Bolt Stabilizer Plates Cylinder Adjusting Stabilizer for User PreferenceTerclockwise Hex Bolt Bottom of Stabilizer CylinderWheelchair Frame Jam Nut Locknuts TOP Hex Bolt Replacing Stabilizer CylindersStabilizer Locknut Lower Spring Stabilizer PlatesReplacing Stabilizer Wheel Type C Stabilizer AssembliesCOUNTER-CLOCKWISE Replacing Stabilizer Cylinder Springs FigureHex Bolt Spacers Stabilizer Wheel 16-20x LocknutRepositioning Motors Replacing Clutch Handles R2BASIC and R2250 Series FigurePin Tie Wrap Steps Battery Tray Mounting Bracket Motor GearboxWheelchair Frame Short Socket Pin StepReplacing MOTOR/GEARBOX R2STANDARD Figure Battery Motor Connectors Steps 4 Steps 5, 6 Locknut Dust Cover Motor/GearboxPage Warranty R R a N T YChedworth Way