Invacare Ranger IISTANDARD, Ranger IIJR Electronics Procedure, Mounting Stud on Wheelchair Frame

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3.Secure the new/existing MKIV controller to the wheel- chair with NEW locknuts. Torque to 156-in/lbs.

4.Connect the following connections:

A.The right hand motor and controller connection.

B.The left hand motor and controller connection.

C.Battery wiring harness and controller connection.

5.Installthebatteryboxes.RefertoREMOVING/INSTALL- ING THE BATTERY BOXES for one (1) of the follow- ing:


of this manual.


of this manual.

6.If necessary, install the rear shroud and rear compart- ment(ifequipped).Referto REMOVING/INSTALLING SHROUDS in PROCEDURE 10 of this manual.

4.Disconnect the following connections:

A.The right hand motor and controller connection.

B.The left hand motor and controller connection.

C.Battery wiring harness and controller connection.

5.Cut the tie-wrap that secure the the left hand motor cable and controller cable together.

6.Remove the two (2) locknuts that secure the existing MKIV controller and washer(s) to the wheelchair.

7.Remove existing MKIV controller from the wheelchair.



On models without shrouds, install washer onto rear


mounting stud.


Install new/existing MKIV controller onto wheelchair




Secure the new/existing MKIV controller to the wheel-


chair with NEW locknuts. Torque to 156-in/lbs.


Connect the following connections:


Mounting Stud on Wheelchair Frame





The right hand motor and controller connection.


The left hand motor and controller connection.


Battery wiring harness and controller connection.


Washer -






14-inch Wide Models (FIGURE 3)


1.Remove the front and rear shrouds. Refer to RE- MOVING/INSTALLING SHROUDSin PROCEDURE 10 of this manual.

2.Remove the battery boxes. Refer to REMOVING/ INSTALLING THE BATTERY BOXES in PROCE- DURE 12 of this manual.

3.Cut the tie wrap that secure the following connections to the wire connector support:

A.The right hand motor and controller connection.

B.The left hand motor and controller connection.

C.Battery wiring harness and controller connection. (BLUE)

NOTE: See FIGURE 3 for proper positioning of the con- nections noted in STEP 4 on the wire connector support.

5.Secure the connections noted in STEP 4 to the wire connector support with a tie-wrap

NOTE: Make sure to thread tie-wrap around crossbrace and through slot in wire connector support.

6.Secure the left hand motor cable and the controller cable to the crossbrace with a tie-wrap .

7.Install the battery boxes. Refer to REMOVING/IN- STALLING THE BATTERY BOXES in PROCE- DURE 12 of this manual.

8.Install the front and rear shroud. Refer to REMOVING/ INSTALLING SHROUDS in PROCEDURE 10 of this manual.


Image 25
Contents MWD/FWD E C I a L T E S R N I N GWheelchair TIE-DOWN Restraints and Seat Positioning Straps Table of Contents Specifications Specification SHigh Back not available on model R2250 Series LowandHighBackTypeshaveanInfiniteadjustment SpecificationsAre approximate Procedure 1 of this manualInches 16 to 20-inches In 1-inch incrementsController Settings for R2JR General Guidelines ProcedureRepair or Service Information Operating InformationWiring Harness for Battery Box Lid Procedure General GuidelinesBack View General GuidelinesprocedureWiring Harness Back View Motor Assembly BatteryFor Battery Side FrameNot remove this label 1095559 Battery Warning Label LocationProcedure Troubleshooting Using Hydrometer to Check Battery Cells Lead Acid FigureBattery Charger Connector Digital Voltmeter Field Load Test FigureTroubleshooting Procedure Motor Testing FigureNumber of Floating Balls CapMotor Pin Motor Connector OhmmeterFront Riggings Procedure Adjusting FLIP-UP Removable FootboardO N T I N G S Angle FigureProcedure Front Riggings Adjusting the Removable FootboardAdjusting Footboard Angle Figure Depth FigureReinstall the caplug caps Battery TrayFront Hex ScrewFootboard Pivot Caplug Assemblies Washer Perform one 1 of the followingReplacing Armrest Pads Figure Procedure ArmsReplacing Armrest Plate Figure M SReplacing Seat Positioning Strap SEAT/BACK ProcedureReplacing Back Upholstery Figure A T C KReplacing Captains Seat Figure Assembly Washers Hex Screws Apply LoctiteAdjusting Back Height Figure Adjusting Seat Depth FigureSeat Frame Procedure A T M EReplacing Back Canes Figure Changing Back Angle FigureDetail B Top Half of Back CanesBottom Half of Back Canes A THole WheelchairProcedure Electronics REMOVING/INSTALLING Mkiv ControllerRepositioning Mkiv Joystick E C T R O N I C SMounting Stud on Wheelchair Frame Electronics ProcedureController Washer Inch Wide Models FigureTie-Wrap Battery Wiring Harness Wire Connector SupportMounting Stud on Wheelchair Frame Washer Controller LocknutsLimit Switch Limit Switch Phono PlugLimit Switch BodyRecline Angle 4 inches Procedure Limit SwitchActuator 5o Seat Angle Wheels Procedure REMOVING/INSTALLING Drive WheelsReplacing Pneumatic TIRES/ Tubes Drive WHEELS/CASTERS Inch Drive Wheel FigureProcedure Wheels REMOVING/INSTALLING Drive Wheel HUB FigureInstalling RemovingLocking KeystockReplacing Forks Figure Replacing Casters FigureForkLocknut Hex Screw Washer WasherCaster Dust Cover LocknutInstalling Side Shrouds Weight Shift Basic Tilt Models Pro- ceed to StepR O U D S Position the side shroud on the wheelchair frameWeight Shift Tilt Models Proceed to Step Procedure ShroudsWheelchairs not Equipped with Weight Shift Basic Tilt O U D SShrouds Procedure Detail a R O UCrossbraces Adjusting Seat Width Integrated Sling Seats FigureO S S B R a C E S FWD WheelchairsO S Procedure CrossbracesR a C E S Pivot Link Locknut Steps 4Replacing Crossbraces Captains Seats Figure Steps 8 Dust Cover Steps 6Tie Wraps Steps 7 Detail a Steps 9 Front WheelchairT T E R I E S BatteriesDual U1 or Dual Group 22 Battery Boxes Connecting Battery CablesBattery Cable Direct Mount MethodBattery Orange Battery Terminal Cap Positive + Battery Terminal/Post+ Battery Post Tie Wrap Group 22 NF Black BatteryTerminal BatteryCapInstalling Battery Clamp Covers Battery Clamp Method Figures 4, 5Battery Clamp Battery Cable T E R I E S RED Battery Clamp Cover Positive + BatteryExploded A I R S Assembling Ranger II FWDIntegrated Sling Seats Figure Unfolding the WheelchairUnfolding/Folding Captains Seat Figure FWD WheelchairsUnfolding Push Brackets CrossbracesDescription and Use of Battery Chargers When to Charge Batteries FigureCharging Batteries Figure MCC-MKIV X, a or A+ JoystickCleaning Battery Terminals Recommended Battery TypesReplacing Batteries Required ItemsR2BASIC and R2STANDARD Figure INSTALLING/REMOVING Battery BoxesDetaila R2JR FigureFolding Battery Tray for Transport Figure Battery TrayUnfolding Battery Tray for Use Figure C H a I R S Removing/Installing Battery Tray for R2BASIC Changing Width of Battery Tray FigureInstalling Figure Removing/Installing Battery Tray R2JR. FigureFor Model R2JR Figure Replacing Left Battery Tray Hanger BracketHanger Bracket for Model R2JR For Models R2BASIC and R2STANDARD FigureE E L C H a I R S Replacing Wiring Harness FigureController Locknut Rear Locknut Loosen Screw But Do Not RemovePhono Jack Nut Side Shroud Phillips Screws Wiring Harness Tie WrapsSpacers Charger Cable Mounting BracketInch Wide Models Figure Replacing Wiring Harness 14-INCH Wide Models Wire Connector Support Slot Phillips ScrewsUsers Weight 200 LBS and Under Motor Mounting Positions Users Weight 201 to 250 LBS Motor Mounting PositionsRepositioning Motors Figure R2 Basic and R2JRSteps 6 Steps 2, 4, 10, 11Motor Gearbox Front Motor Mounting Position Middle Motor Rear MotorTip Steps 2, 6 Rotate battery tray hanger bracket upPin Steps 3 Clutch Handle StepFor R2JR only Replacing MOTOR/GEARBOX R2STANDARD FigureSteps 2 Battery Motor ConnectorsDust Cover Not Shown 13,14,15Unfolding/Folding Integrated Sling Seats Figure Assembling Ranger II MWDSeat Rails Seat Guides Unfolding/Folding Captains Seats Figure MWD WheelchairsIndicator BDI Battery DischargeShutoff Procedure Mkiv X, a or A+ Joystick MKIV- RII JoystickFrom Battery Charger Connector at Battery Charger Connector on Side of WheelchairBattery Charger Three Pronged Plug Front View Charger Port Joystick Battery BoxesClean the new battery terminals INSTALLING/REMOVING Battery Boxes FigureTo remove the removable footboard, refer to Remov Retaining Front Battery Box Strap Rear Strap Clip Battery Tray FigureLeads Hanger Bracket Mounting Slots Battery TrayBattery Tray Pins Hex Bolts Wiring Procedure MWD WheelchairsE L C H a I R S Cable Mounting Bracket may Vary depending on wheelStabilizer Identification Figure Stabilizer Adjustment Nut Measure This HeightType a Type B Type C SpringTerclockwise Adjusting Stabilizer for User PreferenceHex Bolt Stabilizer Plates Cylinder Hex Bolt Bottom of Stabilizer CylinderStabilizer Locknut Lower Spring Replacing Stabilizer CylindersWheelchair Frame Jam Nut Locknuts TOP Hex Bolt Stabilizer PlatesType C Stabilizer Assemblies Replacing Stabilizer WheelHex Bolt Spacers Stabilizer Wheel Replacing Stabilizer Cylinder Springs FigureCOUNTER-CLOCKWISE 16-20x LocknutReplacing Clutch Handles R2BASIC and R2250 Series Figure Repositioning MotorsWheelchair Frame Short Socket Tie Wrap Steps Battery Tray Mounting Bracket Motor GearboxPin Pin StepReplacing MOTOR/GEARBOX R2STANDARD Figure Dust Cover Motor/Gearbox Battery Motor Connectors Steps 4 Steps 5, 6 LocknutPage R R a N T Y WarrantyChedworth Way