Fixing Problems
Step by Step
No names entered
Currently busy
Park slot is empty
All park slots busy
Incorrect PIN
Telephone lock active
Credit is over
Caller replaced handset
Possible cause:
No number or function is assigned to a key.
Possible response:
Program the key for the number or functionÆ page 29
Æpage 59.
Possible cause:
The internal phone book has no entries.
Possible response:
Store the name with station and
Æpage 42.
Possible cause:
The external trunk is busy; you hear a busy signal tone.
Possible response:
Try again later on.
Possible response:
Enter a different park slot.
Possible response:
Try again later on.
Possible cause:
You entered the wrong code when locking/unlocking the telephone Æ page 70.
Possible response: Enter the correct code.
Possible cause:
You entered the wrong code when changing the PIN.
Possible response:
Enter the correct code Æ page 72.
Possible cause:
Your telephone is locked and you have tried to dial an ex- ternal number.
Possible response:
Unlock the telephone Æ page 70
Possible cause:
You have dialed an external number, but have exceeded your call charge limit.
Possible response:
Ask the service personnel to change your call charge limit.