CONFERENCE | You have a conversation and you want to establish a |
| telephone conference. |
| Press |
| Dial tone. |
| Call the third party |
| Press to establish a three party conference |
| Now you have established a three party conference. To mark |
| the conference, all conference members will hear a periodical |
| conference tone. |
| Repeat the procedure to include other persons to |
| the conference |
| In this way, you can include up to six parties in a |
| conversation. How many of them can be external callers |
| depends on the programming of the system. |
| End the call to leave the conference |
MUTE MICROPHONE | To mute the microphone, during an ongoing conversation: |
| Press and hold |
| The caller will not hear the conversation in your room. |
| or |
| Press shortly, to turn the microphone off |
| Short pulse sounds confirm that the microphone is off. |
| Press again, to turn the microphone on |
| Note: It is advised to use this feature instead of putting a call on |
| hold. A call on hold may be diverted to your operator, |
| directly or after some time. |
26 | BusinessPhone 250 | / BusinessPhone 50 |
Portable DT310 | / DT360 / DT368 |