| Page |
34 | |
Redial number | 22 |
Redial number from last dialled list | 22 |
Refer back | 24 |
Reminder | 50 |
Ringer volume | 63 |
Save information | 36 |
Second telephone | 51 |
Security | 55 |
Select password | 56 |
Send message | 37 |
Short numbers | 43 |
Switching on/off the DT310 portable | 8 |
Switching on/off the DT360 portable | 13 |
Switching on/off the DT368 portable | 19 |
Tandem configuration | 51 |
Transfer | 24 |
Trouble shooting | 68 |
Two telephones | 51 |
55 | |
Useful hints | 72 |
Voice information | 35 |
Voice messages | 37 |
Volume control | 63 |
When you receive busy tone | 23 |
Who called list | 60 |
Write text | 61 |
74 | BusinessPhone 250 | / BusinessPhone 50 |
Portable DT310 | / DT360 / DT368 |